My family picks up new fandoms, and sometimes OTPs, with some regularity. Sometimes, these cause me to filk, despite not being into those fandoms at all (see:
Peggy Carter,
Huldas ponnyvisa (My Little Pony),
Wayward Daughters). The most recent one was the Barry Allen-Leonard Snart OTP from Flash, which led to this, ttto "Greased Lightning".
Well, this ship could be systematic,
Why couldn't it be Freezed Lightnin'!
We'll get some really unresolved sexual tension, oh yeah
Keep writin', whoah keep writin'!
Not safe for work cut off and cold lightning rods, oh yeah
I'll get it written, I need to get it written!
With it out cold on the floor, they'll be flashing to the door
You know that ain't shit we'll be gettin' lots of hits
Freezed Lightnin'
Go Freezed Lightnin'
You're burnin' up the kudos fast
Freezed Lightnin', go Freezed Lightnin'
Go Freezed Lightnin'
Superconductin' and changes phase
Go Freezed Lightnin', go Freezed Lightnin'
Get up to speed
For what you need
Is Freezed Lightnin'
Go go go go go go go go
We'll get some purple-troped prose and thirty bad puns, oh yeah
A fancy pair of goggles and shootin' freezer beams, oh yeah
With new flashes, lights, and shocks
I can chill down the rocks
You know that I ain't braggin', this shippin' is not laggin'
Freezed Lightnin'
Go Freezed Lightnin'
You're burnin' up the kudos fast
Freezed Lightnin', go Freezed Lightnin'
Go Freezed Lightnin' superconductin' and changes phase
Go Freezed Lightnin', go Freezed Lightnin'
Get up to speed for what you need is freezed lightnin'
Lightning, lightning, lightning
Lightning, lightning, lightning
Come on all, lets start writing!
Note: this was written in less than fifteen minutes, and could surely need some adjusting runs.
Crossposted from Please comment there.