Sep 07, 2005 11:07
I got to go camping with Aaron! It was awesome I love it! :) There was a little campground by the beach..... I mean RIGHT by the beach as in you walk down a little hill/trail for like 10 seconds and you're on the beach. and you could see it from the campground :)
good times I got some sweet pictures of the sunset out by Pride Rock. that's right PRIDE ROCK! like from the Lion King!!! Isn't that cool? Only now it's surrounded by water... hmm....that's a thinker...
So yeah then weeeee went back to his house Friday and I finished my bloody paper and did laundry and finally made it to Faith Quest by like 10 ish. lol man I don't know what we're gonna do cause both our planning and sense of timing is out-of-whack. it makes me smile :D
Faith Quest was great! It was truly the only one that I can remember paying attention THE WHOLE TIME! I mean seriously try sitting a 7th or 8th grader down for 3 1/2 hours to listen to someone preach and then sing and junk. I'd love that part except I had frickin no attention span which was not helped by the fact that we were sitting on logs. yes. LOGS. I love the logs and campfire at camp but at faith quest I loathe them. Plus it was cold half the time at morning or night.
So anyways I went shopping yesterday and that was fun and I got a lot of clothes :) I love it. ummm oh and I will post faith quest pictres as soon as Kylie sends them to me! and you guys can finally see what aaron looks like lol. yikes