Nov 17, 2005 21:48
Okay, so I just participated in one of the strangest things ever. Actually, it's not that strange, more like random...I lj surfed and looked at all these random people's things. Is that weird? Do you do that? Whatever, it was funny. I love to read things written by aquaintances and old friends. It's fun like a stalker. Anywho, I can't type on these damn 10th floor computers. PS I am on ten because this is the first day of Adaptation "tech" and so I am here to make sure things don't catch cold...I mean on fire.
I just realized a an hour or so ago (time is so relative, that seems recent) that I had a pretty crappy day. Although, generally, I try not to label days when they're not done yet. Let me put it this way: the day has not been great thus far. Not like it was horrible...just lame. And I won't go into deats because you know, people read ljs and not like it's people specific, I just think I don't want to talk about it. I have been so homesick of late. It's crap. It's just like I miss the idea of cities and stores and streets--it's really weird. I get into these horrible phases where all I want to do is revisit. Revisit is a good word for this feeling. I wish we were allowed to say honest things all the time. And I wish people could be melodramatic for three minute interludes, and then laugh about it a few moments after. I have a really bad feeling that Thanksgiving is going to be depressing. I mean, not only will I not be home, but there will be no turkey for looking at and not eating, but there won't be any of the fixins and there won't be my sisters and my grandparents and there won't be real drama. It will be nice to get away from Emerson (namely Emerson Stage) for a few days. I kind of want to skip class and work on Tuesday and just go a day early to Amherst.
You know what's interesting? how the dynamic I have with my mom totally shifts when I'm away. I mean, even now that I've been away. I can talk to her about real things...kind of. I mean, never completely, but at least some easy stuff. She's really good at loving people. I mean, she's really good at losing control of herself, but she's also so loyal. Is that astrologically fitting? Hmm. I wonder. She's a cancer, yeah? I don't know what that means. I miss beno. I miss beno so much. And I miss beno's house and beno's mom. And I miss ultimate. Especially when I am at Foundry rehearsals and we are "giving notes" on sit, stand, kneel and entrances and exits. I love how we never talk about scenes, they just talk about the funny. Fuck the funny, bitches. Fuck it. Fuck you. Sometimes I wish I were crazy and violent and mormon. sdfauhfuidhurwefashjkefwadsgbfiwa. grace, I've been listening to rilo kiley's glendora a lot lately too. weould. ENOUGH LJ.