The Stay Until Morning

Oct 03, 2006 19:25

Title: The Stay Until Morning
Pairing: Draco/Ginny
Rating: NC17
Type: One-shot, complete
Summary: Ginny stays with Draco all night for the first time.
Warnings: Smut.


The Stay Until Morning


Ginny Apparated with a rather loud crack tothe back garden of the mansion. She readjusted the satchel that wasslung over her shoulder and walked to the backdoor. In her pocket wasthe wand Draco Malfoy bought her while they were in Sicily. It wasbeautiful: dark mahogany and made with a tail hair of a Thestral. Somethought those kinds of wands were used only for Dark magic or had badluck, but it was the most powerful wand she’d ever had in her hands andshe never cast anything but good spells with it.

Inside Draco’s house everything was silent. Ginny slipped upstairs toDraco’s bedroom. It was on the first floor at the far end. The roomwhere his parents both died was closed off and sealed with magic. Theroom Draco now used as his was the largest of the guestrooms, with asitting area near a window that was seven feet high and five feet widewith a window seat underneath. Ginny always wanted to sit on thewindow seat in the mornings and watch the sun creep up over the trees. It was regrettable that she never got to see that happen; Draco didn’twant his daughter to wake up and find a woman he was not married to inher father’s room.

Paige Malfoy was three and a halfyears old. Her hair was a light ginger colour, wavy and long. Sheliked for Ginny to plait her hair and read to her before she went tobed. Draco would stand in the doorway, listening, his mouth tightlypursed as though he was trying very hard not to smile.

In the mornings, Paige would wake up and run down the hallway to her father’s room. Even if he sealed it with Colloportus,Paige was able to use whatever magic was in her already to open it. Itnever ceased to amaze Draco every time she did it, without ever seemingaware she was doing it. Because of this, Draco never allowed Ginny tostay the full night. He never wanted his daughter to see anythinguntoward, to see something pass between two unmarried people. Thethings he did before (and after) he was married were things he didn’twant his daughter to do. Paige’s real mother, Annabelle, was longsince dead, but Paige had been so young when it happened that shedidn’t remember. Ginny felt twinges of sadness whenever she thought ofhow much Annabelle must have loved her daughter and for Paige to noteven remember ...

For a year and a half, Ginny hadbeen in a relationship with Draco. It was about as perfect as arelationship with him could possibly be. Tonight was an importantnight - or the whole week was important, rather. Draco was due homeany moment, having taken the international train, the Duchess Express,all the way to Italy to drop Paige off at her grandparents’ house for asummer holiday visit. This was going to be the first time since Ginnywas sixteen that she would be spending the night - the whole night - with Draco.

It took careful planning, but Ginny picked out the perfect thing towear. She packed clean clothes and pyjamas in her satchel becauseDraco asked her if she would stay the entire weekend with him. Herfeet were going to get a little sore if she didn’t find Draco soon andtake her shoes off. She was so much shorter than he that she alwayswore heels around him. Even so, she still had to tilt her head back tolook up at him.

Draco wasn’t upstairs. Oh, forget the shoes. Ginny took off her heeled sandals, allowing herself to get used to thefeel of flat feet against the floor. She dropped her pack on the rugand sat down on his bed and breathed in the scents that filled the room- the leathery smell of his dragon-hide boots; the earthy aroma of hiscologne, the lavender bubble bath he kept in his bathroom for whenGinny wanted to use his tub; and the stale scent of mouldy books on thevast set of bookshelves lining the wall near the door.

After seven or eight minutes, Ginny got up from Draco’s bed and pickedher bag up off the plush forest green rug that covered the hardwoodfloor. She had put some of the files she’d been working on in it. OnMonday, a series of trials were to begin and Ginny had to testify. Shewas an Interrogator for the Auror department at the Ministry of Magicand four Dark wizards she had questioned extensively were up for lifesentences in Azkaban.

Outside, everything wasbeginning to lose colour to the night. Ginny put her bag on Draco’sdesk and looked inside, taking the necessary files and going to thesitting area, curling herself up on the window seat. Her fingersshuffled through the notes, written in curly cursive, but her mindwasn’t focused on her work. She looked out at the grass and the treesas the moon bathed them in blue light.

‘What are you doing?’

Ginny jumped, startled, and dropped her files on the floor.

‘I didn’t hear you come in,’ she said, eyeing Draco. His blonde hairwas cropped short, his face clean-shaven, and his eyes looked much moregrey than blue.

Draco shrugged and sat down on theedge of his bed, unlacing his shoes and taking them off. He pulled hissocks off next and went to his wardrobe and placed his boots on thebottom, shutting the doors and breathing in deeply. The black sockswere dropped into the clothes hamper as he made his way to the sittingarea.

‘How was Paige when you left her in Italy?’

‘She cried.’

Ginny frowned. ‘Really?’

Draco nodded and sat down in the large armchair near the window. ‘Itold her she’d be all right. If she’s still miserable by Monday, Itold her I’d come back to get her. She’s seen her grandparents before. We stayed with them last Christmas and they came here for herbirthday. She has to stay the weekend, that’s what I told her. Afterthat, we’ll see.’

‘I bet tomorrow she’ll have loads of fun with her grandparents. Isn’t her grandmum a really good cook?’

‘Yes, they’re going to bake biscuits. How the bloody hell does baking solve problems?’

Ginny smiled. ‘Sugar. Lots of sugar. Don’t you always feel betterwhen you eat a biscuit? Or any sort of chocolate pudding?’

‘The Duchess Express is brutal,’ said Draco, skipping over Ginny’squestion. ‘I don’t know why they don’t put themselves on the FlooNetwork, but they refuse. And since the bloody Ministry won’t let mehave a wand I can’t Apparate.’

‘You don’t have an International Apparition License anyhow.’

Draco shrugged.

‘I’m surprised you don’t buy yourself a wand. Everything else you do is illegal.’

‘Only business, but I have a Secret Keeper. They’ll never find out about - well, I can’t tell you.’

Draco cracked his knuckles and Ginny felt an overwhelming urge tosmile. Her mouth slid over her teeth as she looked at Draco sittinglazily in his chair, now drumming his fingers against his thigh.

‘What’s so goddamn amusing?’ snapped Draco.

Ginny felt her grin drop. She stood and picked her files up off thefloor, replying without looking at Draco, ‘I was excited that I’mactually going to get to spend the whole night with you instead ofleaving once midnight hits so Paige doesn’t see me spending the night.’


She didn’t wait. She went to the desk, where her bag was, and stuffedher files inside. The armchair made a low squeak as Draco got up,walking towards her. Ginny closed her bag. Her intention wasn’t toactually leave, but she wanted to make a point: Draco’s moodinesswasn’t going to ruin her evening and he needed to get himself in line.

Draco took the bag before she had the chance to sling it over hershoulder. He tossed it away; a thud sounded as the bag hit the wallbefore landing on the rug. Heat extended from her hips outwards asDraco curled his fingers around her, pulling her back to him. He keptone hand on her side as the other brushed her hair away from her rightshoulder and pushed her head ever so slightly to the side. Automatically, Ginny’s eyes closed as Draco kissed her neck. Heflattened his other hand against her stomach, holding her tightlyagainst him.

‘I said wait.’

‘Draco ...’ she breathed, reaching her arm up, her fingers running through his hair.

His palm lowered itself down to her thigh, squeezing the flesh throughher swishy black skirt. He gathered up the fabric until his hands feltskin. His hand flattened again over her leg, moving up to her barehip, her skirt bunching up on the one side.

‘Oh, fuck me,’ he rasped.



Ginny smiled. She had on Draco’s favourite shirt for her as well ashis favourite knickers - lace, barely there at all, whose purpose wasto make Draco beg and want. The lace did its job; worth every Knut.

She thought he was going to touch her; she was already radiating heat. Soon the familiar ache would throb through her insides, needing thatdeep-seated touch that Draco gave her when he entered her, hittingplaces that he only could when they made love. Instead of moving thelace aside and placing his hands on those secret places they nevermentioned outside of his bedroom, Draco turned her around and pickedher up by the hips. He sat her down on the desk. She was a bit higherthan she would have been standing, but she still had to look up atDraco.

A look of concentration was etched on hisface. His fingers worked on the buttons of her shirt and he pushed ithurriedly from her shoulders. Her braless breasts came into view andDraco’s eyes stared at them for a moment before he leaned down andkissed one, his tongue swirling around her nipple, his teeth pullingit, nipping slightly. Ginny pressed her thighs together as the achingneed spread and grew more intense. She willed herself to orgasmwithout being touched, but she couldn’t. His hands moved over herstomach, her hips, her thighs. His fingers teasingly brushed againstthe outside of her knickers.

The muscles on Draco’sfront weren’t clearly defined, but they were hard, and Ginny loved torun her hands over his chest and stomach and back, but his blastedshirt was in the way. Ginny gripped the bottom of it and tried to liftit. Draco must have taken the hint; he removed his mouth from herbreast and pulled his shirt over his head, throwing it across the roomto land next to Ginny’s satchel. With his shirt gone, Draco undid thebutton and zip of his trousers. He left them on, though, his handsgoing straight to the side zipper of Ginny’s skirt.


Ginny focused her eyes on him. Up? Oh, right - she placed her handson the desk and pressed her weight down on her arms, lifting her bum acouple inches in the air, allowing Draco to pull her skirt and laceknickers off. Whenever she was fully starkers around Draco, he took amoment to look at her body. It was always a bit unnerving as her bodywasn’t as thin as it had been when they were at Hogwarts. Beingadvised by so many different Healers that physical exertion wouldseverely aggravate her stomach wound created a very disgruntled Ginny. So keeping her cute little body hadn’t been an option. She was by nomeans fat, but the way her stomach rounded out a bit now made hercringe, but Draco never mentioned it.

Her bumsettled back down on the desk. She tried to keep her eyes focused onDraco’s, but they kept blurring, her mind blank, everything centring onwhat she was feeling. The throb between her legs grew so intense Ginnywas considering touching herself. As her hand began descending, Dracoslapped it away. While she’d been waiting for him to touch her, he haddivested himself of his trousers and pants.

Hisfingers found her, touched her briefly, and then he pushed inside her,hitting that spot somewhere in her that caused her to moan and buck. Instinctively her legs wrapped themselves around Draco’s waist, lockingtogether at the ankle. She ground her lower half into him as hard asshe could, feeling that friction-created heat.

Hadn’t she been making a point a few minutes ago? Draco had a way ofdistracting her that no one else could compare to.

‘Ah, ah,’ moaned Ginny, ‘do that again.’ Whatever upward thrusts Dracowas doing were working, hitting that place, and it felt amazing. ‘Yeah- that - ah, Merlin - you feel good.’

Ginny archedher back up into Draco, letting her head drop back. She felt thefamiliar wetness of Draco’s tongue as he licked across her breasts oncemore and the need to grind against him flared up again.

Sometimes the sex was like this, hot and quick. Sometimes it was slowand revelatory. The positions varied: Draco on top, Ginny on top, ontheir sides, on all fours, in a chair, against the wall, in the tub, inthe shower, in the lake near the mansion ... everywhere, almost everyway.

Draco’s thrusts came more quickly; this sexwasn’t to be savoured. Ginny lifted her head and looked at Draco; hisgaze moved from her breasts to her eyes. His hand moved to the smallof her back, pushing her closer to him. Then, he kissed her, his lipsmoving with hers in desperation, letting escape a throaty groan thatvibrated against Ginny’s mouth.

His mouth stoppedmoving for a second, the thrusts from his lower half still coming. Heopened his eyes, looked right into hers. His lips were still on hersas he said, ‘Mine,’ and came.

There was nomistaking what that warm feeling was between her legs. Draco stayedinside her for a moment before sliding out. It always felt odd when heleft her. Ginny leaned all the way back across the top of the desk. The length of the desk was long enough that her head landed on a bookon the other end of the desk, her knees and legs dangling over theedge. The ache between her thighs had lessened some, but had notdisappeared.

‘I love being over here,’ said Ginny.

Draco stood over her, his legs against hers, his hands on either sideof her hips. He bent down and kissed her stomach. Completelyunexpectedly, he pushed her legs open; she was completely exposed tohim. Ginny raised herself up on her elbows, feeling exhilarated. Thiswas not something Draco did routinely. In the past year and ahalf she could count the numbers of times on one hand. On specialoccasions, like her birthday - or when he wanted her to do somethingand she needed extra convincing. Tonight, though, she had not beenexpecting this. Sure, Paige going out of town was cause for a bit of celebration, but ...

Ginny’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as Draco used his mouth onthe place that needed to be touched most. It didn’t take much for thatthrob to intensify and spread across her belly, and then shoot out fromher centre over her entire body, hitting her fingertips and ends of hertoes. Her body shook, her hips rising up uncontrollably.

Draco always made sure she came and it was always intense in a way because it was Dracoeliciting the response from her and she was deeply in love with him. However, it was the times like this that she came harder and longer. Oh, she loved it when he did that to her.

‘Whatwas that for?’ asked Ginny once her body calmed down. She sat up; herface felt flushed; her whole body felt flushed.

Draco shrugged one shoulder, looking very unconcerned. He stood up andstretched. ‘I feel better,’ he said. ‘Do you?’

Ginny nodded. ‘Absolutely,’ she answered, standing up, feeling slightly dizzy.

‘Have you had dinner?’


Draco picked his trousers off the floor and slipped them on. ‘Howabout you take a bath while I eat? There’s a bottle of wine fromPaige’s grandparents’ vineyard on the bedside table. It’s supposed tobe the best wizard wine in Europe.’

Ginny smiled. ‘All right.’

‘Save some for me, though.’ Draco kissed her, lightly brushing histongue across hers. He pulled away slowly, kissed her forehead, andleft his bedroom.


Ginny wrappedDraco’s bathrobe around her. It was ridiculously large, but softagainst her skin. She stepped out of the loo; Draco was on his bed,wearing green silk pyjama bottoms, and leaning against the headboard,reading a book. She smiled and walked to the bed, climbing up andsitting next to Draco. The room was fairly dark except for where Dracohad used Lumos with her wand to read by. Judging by the amountof blue moonlight that crept into the room through the windows, Ginnyguessed it was close to midnight.

‘Nox.’ Dracobookmarked his page and placed the novel on his bedside table alongwith Ginny’s wand. The room had just enough light to give Draco’s paleskin a luminous glow.

‘Where’s the wine?’

‘Oh!’ Ginny reached for her wand. ‘Accio wine bottle!’

Draco took hold of the bottle mid-air and took the cork out. He putthe bottle to his lips and drank the dark red liquid inside.

‘It’s good,’ he said, studying the label.

‘It’s not bad,’ agreed Ginny.

Draco took another long drink from the wine bottle. He sat it on thetable and turned to Ginny. The tie to the bathrobe came undone andGinny felt a rush of cool air hit her abdomen. Draco bent down andkissed Ginny’s mouth.

‘Is this what we’re going to do all weekend?’ asked Ginny. ‘Kiss and have sex?’

‘What else is there to do? You can be as loud as you want and I know how much you like to yell.’

‘I do not yell.’ Ginny giggled. It was true, she could be rather vocal when they hadtheir hot, rough bouts of sex, but during the slow times - the timesthat made her truly appreciate the phrase ‘making love’ - she wasquiet, relishing every move and touch. ‘I’m happy to do nothing thisweekend. I know I shouldn’t be excited that your daughter isn’t here,but I want to take advantage that this is going to be the only timeI’ll get to stay until morning.’

Draco turned Ginnyover so that she lay on her side. He pulled the back of the robe downjust enough to expose the smooth skin of Ginny’s shoulder blade. Ashiver ran down Ginny’s spine and she felt her heart beating heavily inher chest.

‘You could just always stay until morning.’

‘You know I can’t do that,’ answer Ginny somewhat sadly. ‘If Paigeknew I spent the night - it would be hard to try to teach her goodvalues when she got older if she knew I stayed here. And don’t evenpretend that you don’t care about teaching her values. If you hadcontrol over it, you would never allow her to date anyone when she goesoff to Hogwarts.’

‘Mmm, true. Hopefully she won’tend up dating one of those nasty Mudbloods McGonagall insists onallowing into the school.’

‘Draco,’ Ginny said warningly. ‘Don’t say-’

‘Yeah, yeah. I know, your sister-in-law’s a ... Muggle-born.’

Ginny could tell that Draco used a lot of strength to say Muggle-born instead of Mudblood.

‘You don’t have to call her my sister-in-law. She has a name, y’know.’

‘Yeah. Granger.’

‘Hermione Granger-Weasley,’ corrected Ginny.

‘Hyphenating her last name is fucking mad. Please tell me you would never do that.’

‘Hermione’s not mad! You’re always unreasonable about her because herparents are dentists. You never see her or anything. She cannotpossibly do anything that bothers you.’

‘Can we not piss and moan about insignificant things? Hyphenating names is ridiculous, no matter who does it. Let’s not fight tonight; I’m not in the mood.’


‘So. Please tell me you’d never do something as daft as hyphenating your last name.’

Ginny snorted. ‘I don’t know. I’ve never had the opportunity to decide.’

‘What if I gave you the opportunity?’ asked Draco, kissing her shoulder blade again.

Ginny turned over on her back and looked up at Draco. ‘What are you asking?’

The grey of his eyes looked softer now, almost blue. He shifted on topof her, kissing her mouth, taking her left breast in the palm of hishand. She pushed against his chest.

‘Draco, what are you asking me?’ Instead of heavily beating, her heart began to skip around in her chest.

‘I thought it was obvious. Do you want to keep leaving before morning or stay?’

‘Stay,’ answered Ginny, swallowing. ‘I want to stay until morning. I’ve always wanted that.’

‘So it’s decided then.’

‘Is it? You didn’t ask.’

‘I did.’

‘Not properly. There’re four words you didn’t say.’

Draco rolled his eyes. ‘Asking like that is so conventional. I don’t do conventions.’

‘You don’t do a lot of things. But I want to be asked properly. I want-’

Ginny was silenced by Draco’s mouth on hers. When he pulled away shescowled. He sat up on his knees, fishing in his trouser pocket forsomething. He pulled out something very small. Ginny reached out totake it, to see what it was, but instead of letting her have it, Dracotook hold of her hand, lightly massaging her fourth finger.

‘Gin ... I ... well, the thing is, I love you. I don’t like saying things like that, but you know it, right?’

Ginny nodded.

‘And I want you here. Paige adores you. I couldn’t have you here ifPaige didn’t like you, but she’s constantly asking when you’re comingover to see her. I like having you here so I want you to stay and wakeup every morning with me.’

If Ginny’s heart could burst from happiness, she was sure it would have by now.

‘Lolly’s cleared out one of the guest bedrooms for all your crap.’

‘I don’t have crap.’

‘Your things. Knickknacks and that bloody desk that you refuse to get rid of no matter how many times I offer to buy you a new one.’

‘That was Percy’s old desk. He gave it to me and I like it.’

‘Right. D’you want to stay with me ... here ...?’

Ginny smiled. ‘You have to say it.’

‘For Salazar’s sake, Gin!’

‘Say it.’

Draco gritted his teeth. Ginny kept her gaze level with his, but shewatched out of the corner of her eye as he took whatever it was thathe’d fished out of his pocket and slid it down her finger. It was aring, but Ginny had figured that from the get go. Draco took her wandand tapped the ring once; it melded to her finger perfectly.

‘Say it,’ ordered Ginny, but it came out as a whisper. ‘Four words.’

He looked at her for a moment before looking away. Ginny reached herhand out, touching his chin and forcing his head towards her, makinghim look in her eyes.

‘I’ll help you. Start out with, “Will you ...”’

Draco breathed in through his nose. ‘Will you ...’ He stopped. Ginnywilled him to go on. ‘I can’t. It sounds bloody ridiculous in myhead.’

‘It’s all right,’ said Ginny. ‘I know whatyou want to ask me. And yes - absolutely. I want to stay hereindefinitely with you.’

‘Brilliant. Somehow it was easier when I asked your father for permission than this was.’

‘You asked my dad for permission to marry me?’

‘That’s the proper way to go about it. I suppose I didn’t have to,really, since he told you he wouldn’t mind that night he knocked on thedoor to your flat. But yes, I asked him a few days ago.’

Ginny smiled. ‘You never cease to amaze me. You really don’t. Draco, I love you. So, so much.’

‘I know. Thank you.’

‘For what?’

‘For loving me.’

Those simple words created that familiar heated throb between her legsagain. Ginny reached up and pulled Draco down to her.

When she’d first Apparated to Draco’s house this evening, she’d beenexcited at the prospect of spending the weekend there, waking up forthe first time in the morning, next to him. Now, she was fuelled bythe knowledge that her first morning with Draco was going to extend toa lifetime of mornings in his bed. As they kissed on, Ginny neverwould have guessed that the stay until morning could taste this sweet.




As always, links to all my fics (divided up by pairings) can be found here: Click Me

complete, nc17, smut, one-shot, draco/ginny

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