That flicker of light in the dark.

Oct 04, 2011 19:27

I just want to take a moment to say: THANK YOU! Thank you from every inch of my being. For all of those amazing, selfless people who took the time to leave me a message on my previous post, I can never repay you.
Though at the time your words made me cry even more, it made me appreciate having such wonderful people in my life.

I think it's gonna take me some time to get passed all this. It's been a long time since I let a guy in, I always get to a point where I push them away...I thinks it's to hurt them before they hurt me. BUT there had to be one that I would let in and start to trust, and then he broke me. The worst part is that for the first time ever (even after my first serious BF of a year and a half) I think I was starting to fall for him.
Today has been the first day in almost a week that I haven't cried.
I know that with amazing friends looking out for me I'll get there in the end.

P.S - I may be making odd RL posts for a while. spilling everything out helps a little. BUT feel free to ignore them, I'm just doing whatever helps for me.

real life.

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