
Nearly Lost My Temper

Feb 03, 2012 20:40

Remember when I mentioned that I have some anger issues?

Well I just added another event to my list.

Someone blew through the light at Porter on Mass Ave (the light for Upland Road). It had been red for a full two-count. I was walking in the same direction the driver was driving, so I saw the whole thing. Pedestrians were IN THE CROSSWALK and halfway across the near side of the road and she beeped at them! The next light was red as well and there were cars in front of her so she had to stop.

One of the pedestrians swung around and banged on her hood (by no means hard enough to dent) and yelled "You almost hit me!" She leapt out of the car and starts screaming at him, "Fuck you! I don't care what you did! I don't care what I did! You don't fuckin' touch my car!" And he's almost yelling (more like speaking firmly) and she's yelling at him to "Fuck off!" and I drew abreast and said, "No! YOU fuck off, lady! You almost hit him! I saw the whole thing!" So she turns on me with "Fat bitch! Fat whore! Fuck you!" on and on and on. My favorite? "Lose some weight, get a job and a haircut." It was 7pm. What the hell made her think I didn't have a job? I have THREE jobs.

I'm afraid I swore back at her. I should've checked for children. It was hella bad manners. But I switched into that super-pissed mode where my mouth goes off before my brain catches up. The point I repeated in between the swearing was, "You blew through a red light, you almost hit three pedestrians, and you honked at them?!" (spoken with a tone of disbelief). She swears at me more then gets back in her car. I walk around to the light that goes across Somerville Ave to the CVS and hurry across to catch the walk light. I really hate that intersection.

I walk along CVS on the parking lot side, next to the little shops they have there, come out and pass the Spare Change guy, and head over to Shaw's. I use the crosswalks in that parking lot because it is a crazy place.

Suddenly I feel something bounce off my back! It's a bottle of water! I turn around and there is the driver! She's parked in the CVS handicapped parking spot and thrown an open bottle of water at me! I said, "You immature little bitch!" Because she was really short (and skinny; she looked like a 13-year-old) and I was really cranky. My apologies to short people everywhere.

And she said more "Fat fuck, fat whore" stuff and I yelled back, "You almost killed three people!" and she said more crap, and she ran out of words because she actually said, "Fat whore, fat, fat, fat..." like she couldn't find another noun. So I yelled back even louder, "YOU ALMOST KILLED THREE PEOPLE!" And she said "Yeah, right," and got back in her car.

A woman came over to me and said she saw everything and that I should get the woman's license plate number (which hadn't occurred to me) because "she's out of control and still driving."

A man from Shaw's (wearing a Shaw's apron) said something like, "You drive bad?" And said no, I was walking. I explained to him that she'd blown through a red light and almost hit three people. He said I should get her plate # & I said no, if I go over there she'd hit me. And he said no she wouldn't because people aren't allowed to hit people in this parking lot. Interesting logic there. I pointed out that she'd already thrown a water bottle at me. I asked if he'd walk over with me because by this point I was scared and wanted a witness. But by the time we walked halfway back she was gone from the spot (or re-parked, I dunno). His take on it was that people in America are crazy (given his accent, I'm pretty sure he's originally from another country). I agreed with him.

So I went to Shaw's and bought my Super Bowl snacks. But I was shaking from the post-adrenaline come-down and I think my eyes leaked a little. Man. I gotta learn to keep my mouth shut.

masshole, angry, porter square, shaws, anger

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