
Tuesday & Wednesday

Mar 24, 2011 04:10

Tuesday, no 15-minutes, but I did buy more clear plastic bins & various other small supplies for getting & staying organized from Staples while on my way back from a doctor's appointment.

Wednesday, no 15-minutes, but I finally picked up a 'scrip that had been waiting for me at the pharmacy for a few days plus a new 'scrip generated by Tuesday's doctor visit and a handful of personal hygiene supplies.

Still haven't fed the worms, posted stuff to Freecycle, gotten my car inspected, bought a new pillow, bought more lavender soap, bought the rest of my hair products, or done my taxes.

I did read 2 books, edit a 5-page paper, respond to 3 queries from people looking for an editor and 1 query from someone looking for a technical writer for a 4-6 week project. For that last query, I put some things back onto my current resume from the older versions to show that I've been writing technical documentation for at least 15 years (though it's been over 20 now, but I didn't want to push the resume to 4 pages).

So far, only 1 of the 4 has turned me down, mostly because she found another editor almost instantly from her initial query (I didn't respond to it until I saw it, a few hours after she emailed it out to a few different editors).

Oh and I'm not going to Kuala Lumpur (capital & largest city in Malaysia) because the tragedy in Japan has doubled the already expensive flight costs to Asia. I'm mildly disappointed, but not heartbroken. As a result, we are planning on adding extra days to a visit to Vienna, Austria later this spring so that we can visit Poland, probably Krakow. Recommendations for things to see gladly accepted.

worms, getting things done, adhd, clean-up, organize, vermiculture, cleaning, gtd, add, clean, 15-minutes

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