If your thoughts somehow find all these crazy indirect ways back to a person you know or used to know, GET IN TOUCH WITH THEM.
I cannot express how important this is.
You probably won't think anything so outright as "Hey, I remember him. We should get back in touch." But you might find yourself reminiscing about a trip in eighth grade that he went on, too; or how you just talked to someone you know through him but haven't actually spoken with him in two years. Maybe you'll suddenly be really into these songs or artists that somehow remind you of a person, whether directly or indirectly.
It's all really vague, I know, but this has personally happened to me twice now: this sudden touching onto so many memories connected loosely by one particular friend -- just one reoccuring person who seems to insist on staying in your thoughts, but always in the background... and then losing him.
Newsday article: Mike Fallacaro, C.W. Post student, killed in crash We impact the lives of the people we know (and vice versa) in ways we'll never know. A few weeks ago, I started to feel dramatically better about my life -- more productive, more content. I did feel I appreciated the people in my life substantially more. And I did, and I do.
Listen to me: I want you to discover how great it can be to appreciate those you know and have known. Make your own incarnation of "Carpe Diem," but please, I want you at least to learn what it's like to hold what's important to you and how best you can appreciate those you've been coexisting with.
I know the past can be embarassing, but the weight you feel when you think of weaker times is really just in the past. The friends you had in the past, they aren't weights; they're seemless parts that blend together and make you. Don't seek to avoid or forget them; just REALIZE FRIENDS -- make them and make them again. It's so simple, but it's so fulfilling.
And none of this is about regretting not talking to someone before I couldn't anymore or any "spare yourselves pain!" or "If only I could've changed the course of time" B.S. I just want to convey to you that, as high on some kind of crazy, crazy drug as I sound right now, keeping in touch when you can is seriously one of the best things you can do with your life.
I don't think I'm the only one who feels this way.
Get in touch with the people your memories insist are in your life.
This is some of the best advice I can offer.