(Announcement from In Orbit Records)
Jesse here,
Here's the dizzy...
This coming December, Give Back Records is sponsering Jaredfest. Members of Noshiponmysea, Filth Beast and Beowulf Jones (all former leftovers) plus friends are getting together for a one time Tuesday Night's Leftovers: Storytellers set.
The reason i'm writing - Jared wrote and sang a tune named "Roseland Ballroom Homeless Guy" which never had the chance to be professionally recorded. We want to get the August 8th 2001 Village Pub version of Roseland pressed to 100 copies of 7" vinyl, and are looking a probably a 500$ bill for it. Jared's legacy deserves this. It will be something concrete to represent Jared's lifelong love for music.
We wish it was cheaper. It would be nice to donate the proceeds entirely to the scholarship fund. But i don't really want to charge more than $5 each either. So i'm looking for a way to get some money to give it a release worthy of having Jared's name on it. Just to clarify, we are making no money off this and once we pay off whatever loans we end up with the rest of the money will be donated to Jared's scholarship fund.
So right now we are looking for donations. The track to needs to be ready for pressing by Halloween in order to get it in time. Think of this as a pledge drive... No celebrities, just music! The way Jared would have wanted it.
Any donations in excess of $5 entitles you to a copy of the record if you want it. Think of it as a pre-order. So talk to everyone you know that ever went to a TNL show or knew Jared about just donating a few bucks to the cause.
Every bit will help!!! We are seriously counting our pennies just to get this moving and anything you can do to help would be amazing.
Things have really taken off quickly and so many awesome gears are in motion.
As of now, the A side will feature Jared's Epic Ode "Roseland Ballroom Homeless Guy" and the B side will feature a patchwork of recordings of Jared laughing, joking around, calling girls sluts, etc.
So again,
TNL is accepting preorders for the limited number of 7"s. Any donation of $5 or more will guarantee you a copy, anything you donate over $5 will go towards defraying the cost of producing this record. The 7"s themselves will be $5 at JaredFest if any are left. Any and all money generated by the sale of these records will go to Jared's scholarship fund.
Contact either Josh (
http://www.myspace.com/filthbeast ) or my personal account (
http://www.myspace.com/jdhornz ) if you're interested in aiding this project.