Jul 05, 2005 21:22
Soooo.. here is my second ever entry. I have tried to tone down the colours from my original entry but still not sure I have got it right!!
Well, I spent most of the day in my new department trying to work on my dissertation. However, it was really unproductive. I spent the morning erm... see, can't even remember what I was doing this morning. Oh yeah, trying to do use MapInfo, a GIS programme. I was trying to map the target species in Oxford BUT there were NO records of them. Now, I know the idea is to increase these species but surely you need some in the first place!?!?
This afternoon, I had an interview for my dissertation in Wolvercote. I cycled there and got soaked. I thought it was meant to be July and yet it continues to rain. To make matters worse, they have announced on the news today that we may have water shortages this summer due to "a record dry 8 months" - where has it been dry for the last 8 months?! I can't remember a week since I have been in Oxford when it hasn't rained for at least 8 days of that week?!?! Anyway, did the interview, bit of a strange one but at least it is another one to tick off!! It was dry when I was inside and just as I started to cycle back to the dept, it rained again!!
Spent the rest of the afternoon "working" in the department but actually was on MSN for most of the time and then surfing the net the rest. I did find a book though that could cure insomnia permanently. It was entitled "Oxford and Cambridge Matriculations 1544-1904!?!
Anyway, as my life really isn't very exciting at the moment, that is all I have to say for now!!