Things to do in Denver avoiding being dead.

Sep 07, 2008 19:29

My class went well. The students were adequately motivated and reasonably intelligent, and that is what every teacher hopes for. The only entertaining part of the experience for you guys is the way I defined wounds.

I gave a folded 4X6 card with wounds written on them to each person in a scenario. They were forbidden from looking at them, and since they all had cards but there would be only 2-3 casualties no one could plan ahead but had to deal with what they found in the event. The wounds started easy, but by the end each victim had three wounds of varying priority, and the teams were separated by distance and noisy gunfire to make communication more realistically difficult.

I got sunburned the first day and froze the second, which I'm told is just the way it is on the high prairie 100 miles from Denver. I was disappointed as I was expecting terrain like around Colorado Springs, but the altitude was still enough to kick my .
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