History and War

Aug 13, 2008 18:55

I've been paying close attention to current events in Georgia lately. It's a beautiful place, Tblisi managed to avoid the worst of the Soviet need to wreck decent buildings to build rotting boxes, and the people were the most energetic and honest dealing I met in the East. Without going deep into the history, I am very much on the Georgian side, though it is doomed.

It is not worth going to war with Russia over for the US, and the Europeans who would actually benefit from a chastened Russia haven't had a pair of testicles between them since the 60's. They are also too dependent on Russian supplied energy to be able to afford to annoy the Bear too much.

The invasion is intended as a message to all Western leaning former Soviet states, and they know it. Ukraine has actually pushed back a bit and is threatening to order the Russian fleet out of the Black Sea, which it has the right to do on 72hrs notice by treaty, but time will tell what happens in Poland and the Czech Republic. Ask me why that matters sometime if you need to.
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