Once upon a time...

Jan 26, 2004 20:52

Once upon a time there was this mice/rat names Neeki, an old man named Raulph and his parrot, Quam...sounds familiar to any one (cough, James, cough) lololololol.
*** N e ways, we sooo had a 2 hour delay today and then night classes were cancelled. I am hoping to God that they would be cancelled tomorro night so that I dont have comp. class. Damn i should have scheduled it for Monday nights lol. I hate that class soo badly.
***I am supossed to be doing work right now, but I am taking a little break to write to u guys.
***There really isnt that much to tell...ummm...No...
***Have u seen my roomate?
***Also, I was sooo WEAK last night when Jenn and Mere actually thought classes were cancelled and they broke something in there room while screaming on the top of their lungs and jumping. AHHH... my friends are freaks lolol.
I thought someone was beign murdered!!! U guys are crazy!
***O well to let u all know that James is abusive, not only physically but mentally too. j/k though, i dont want u guys to really think that lol.
***D-bean, I havent talked to u in a while... how are ya? How is everything going? o well drop in a line or two...
***well ya'll, have a good night...ttyl!
muah! <3 Kimmy J.
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