Scary Movies, anyone?

Oct 28, 2009 17:49

 Because I'm bored, and because it's that time of year, I am going to blab on about my favorite scary movies. Feel free to skip. Not that I am a scary movie connoisseur by any means, but I've watched quite a few. Especially since Mr. Kizzy is in Iraq... silly man can't abide the horror films, LOL! Note that my definition of scary does most ( Read more... )

scary movies

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lulabelle72 October 29 2009, 01:12:16 UTC
George C. Scott starred in "The Changeling" in 1980, a film that still gives me the chills. It's about a man whose wife and child die tragically, and he moves into a house that turns out to be haunted by the ghost of a murdered child. The child wants to communicate. Very freaky. I've got the chills now.


kizzy7 October 29 2009, 01:29:15 UTC
Looked it up on rottentomatoes (my go-to guide for movies), and the description sounds creepy!! Excellent, thanks for the rec.


redskyatnight76 October 29 2009, 01:55:07 UTC
This sounds familiar... I'm off to look it up.

Why are child-ghosts so scary, I wonder? Way scarier than grown-up ones. I note that lots of the films listed by people here involve ghost children, demon children, possessed children...

The BBC's 70s/80s drama output had a surprisingly sinister streak, and I was mentally scarred for life by a children's - CHILDREN'S - TV drama series called Dramarama which once had an episode featuring an adopted girl who had an evil ghost-twin which visited her at night and tormented her, and did terrible, violent, destructive things that would make her new family reject her and hate her. She heralded her nightly appearances by whistling the nursery rhyme 'Girls And Boys Come Out To Play'. This was on children's tv at like, 4pm or something.

I watched it aged about seven and didn't fucking sleep for about a month. I'm sure if I saw it now I'd think it was pathetic, but in my head, it's the epitome of terror, LOL!


lulabelle72 October 29 2009, 02:02:28 UTC
You were also scarred by Adam Ant, I might point out, so I think it's safe to assume that young RedSky was highly impressionable. Now look at you, sniffing armpits, writing smut...

Music and television are the devil's playground.

Now that I think about it, perhaps that episode was not about an evil ghost twin. Maybe it was all in the girl's mind -- maybe she never had a twin! This was just the other half of her warped psyche.


redskyatnight76 October 29 2009, 02:10:18 UTC
Yes, I think that might have been a possible subtext, definitely. Although, the whole thing was told from the POV not of the tormented girl, but the biological daughter of the family into which she was adopted, so it might have been that the 'real' daughter was projecting her own jealousy/fear/resentment on to the adopted kid, and creating a vile alter-ego for her to create havoc and force her parents to admit they'd made a mistake in trying to adopt another child. In fact... I do seem to recall that at the end... the 'real' daughter (who was very blonde and angelic-looking) turned to the camera and starting whistling the nursery rhyme.

I am actually scared to go up the stairs to bed now. It's 2am. Mr RedSky went to bed, like, two hours ago. What if there is a ghost child standing in the hallway? :-O

My (modern) house is built on the site of an old cloth factory where tiny Victorian children were forced to work until they died of crippling lung diseases and rickets, you know...


tinytexans October 29 2009, 02:14:02 UTC
Your house is built on..... Whoa.



lulabelle72 October 29 2009, 02:14:54 UTC
Ahhh! I didn't know that! But if your house was haunted, you'd know it by now, right?

I'm reading "It." Two nights ago, I was so aggravated by Mr LB's coughing, that I went downstairs to sleep on the sofa. I read "It" for a while, to wind down, and about 2, I turned off the light. Then I started getting scared. I also realized I hadn't brought the right blanket, and I was cold. But if I wanted to go upstairs, I would have to get off the sofa and walk past the very tall clown with sharp teeth standing by my bathroom, and that very fucking well wasn't going to happen.

I stared at that shadow for an hour, absolutely petrified.

What is wrong with us.


kizzy7 October 29 2009, 02:28:57 UTC
Lula, you have a very tall clown with sharp teeth by your bathroom? And you're reading It. Not a good combination.


lulabelle72 October 29 2009, 02:34:16 UTC
I know, right! I used to like that guy too. :(


kizzy7 October 29 2009, 02:22:04 UTC
Creepy, fucking creepy.

Erm... good night?


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