Scary Movies, anyone?

Oct 28, 2009 17:49

 Because I'm bored, and because it's that time of year, I am going to blab on about my favorite scary movies. Feel free to skip. Not that I am a scary movie connoisseur by any means, but I've watched quite a few. Especially since Mr. Kizzy is in Iraq... silly man can't abide the horror films, LOL! Note that my definition of scary does most ( Read more... )

scary movies

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redskyatnight76 October 28 2009, 23:27:26 UTC
Totally agree with you regarding Let The Right One In, The Orphanage, The Shining and The Exorcist (not only my favourite horror film, but probably one of my all-time favourite films of any genre - it's a brilliant piece of cinema, and I agree with you about the priest, btw). Misery, Rosemary's Baby and Lambs all great too ( ... )


kizzy7 October 28 2009, 23:46:20 UTC

YES, The Omen, I was going to put that on the list and then totally forgot. I've seen both the original and the remake, the original as usual far, far better. And the Blair Witch Project, also excellent.

But I haven't seen pretty much any of the others, which is great. I've been watching horror films on a ridiculous level lately. Gotta go to Netflix now, see if any are available for instant play.

My neighbor told me last year to watch the Wicker Man, and I've completely forgotten about it til now. And 28 Days Later is on my (ever growing) list.

The Exorcist is brilliant. I watch it every October, and you're right, such a brilliant piece of cinema, one of those movies that makes you realize that yes, movies are a form of art.


redskyatnight76 October 29 2009, 00:01:07 UTC
I first saw The Wicker Man when I was in my early teens, and it had an incredible effect on me. It absolutely played on both my fears and my fascinations. It taps into a lot of things which lurk in my psyche, principally related to old pagan traditions which still exist in rural England (although the film is set in Scotland, the folklore, I think, possibly more English than Scottish) but which in the film, are taken to a far more sinister level.


kizzy7 October 29 2009, 00:05:24 UTC
"...played on both my fears and my fascinations..."

Those are the best types of horror, the ones that take those themes and drive them home for you, personally, though the characters, the themes, the imagery.

Love it!


redskyatnight76 October 29 2009, 00:12:35 UTC
If you ever see The Wicker Man, then, remember this and you will see why I in particular was fascinated by it: when I was at primary school we a) held a Harvest Festival, b) learned maypole dancing for May Day, c) had to pick a girl to be crowned Queen of the May and d) held a May Day carnival which included a traditional 'hobby horse' with someone in a stylised horse costume which used to snap at small children. I'm saying no more, but if/when you see the film you'll appreciate why it really resonated with me!


kizzy7 October 29 2009, 00:16:15 UTC
Will do. Can't wait now to watch it!


tamatersweet October 28 2009, 23:46:31 UTC
omg i love The Others!! so good and so brilliant!!


redskyatnight76 October 29 2009, 00:04:35 UTC
What I like about The Others is that there's no gore, no actual horror. It's sheer creepiness, sheer atmosphere. It's brilliantly done. And I have to say, it's a great performance from Nicole Kidman. The perfect role for her. She really gets that brittle tensity down to a tee, that feeling of someone trying to hold it together when underneath, she's in serious trouble.


kizzy7 October 28 2009, 23:58:03 UTC
Ooohh, found Nosferatu on instant, going to watch it now. Also, "The Bad Seed" from the 50s. Chilling, classic evil!child tale.


redskyatnight76 October 29 2009, 00:01:52 UTC
OMG, The Bad Seed! It's ace.


bemoan1000 October 29 2009, 00:28:41 UTC
Yes Nosferatu. Very creepy.


tinytexans October 29 2009, 01:40:47 UTC
Nosferatu?! For reals?! Classic - definitely. LMAO - Also definitely. My hubby kept calling him the vampire beaver... guess it was the teeth. *snort* We really are no fun to watch movies with...


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