McLD Fanfiction "At the beginning"

Dec 10, 2009 22:40

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of McLeod’s Daughters characters they all belong to Channel Nine.
Any similarity of any fictionalized character, incident or name to the name, character or history of a person living or dead is entirely coincidental.
Ownership of this fan fiction story is mine.

Chapter 1
Meg’s arrival

A young woman got out of a bus. She thought “This seems like a nice place” and after all those traveling and performing with her sister Celia this felt like a place she could settle in. She started walking and saw a Gungellan Hotel. “Good! I can check in and after I get some rest I will start looking for a job” she said to herself.
An old couple greeted her inside the hotel.
“Hello! My name is Meg Rivers and I’ve been wondering is there any vacancy?” she asked.
“For such a lovely lady I think we should find something, won’t we Mary?”
“You know what Daniel I have just a perfect room for Meg.” she turned around towards Meg and said to her: “Come on dear, I will show you and I think you’ll like it.”
This old couple seemed like the nicest people in the world. They told her that they had this place running for years. And Meg could really feel that they did put a lot of effort and love in it because it had such warmth that she didn’t felt in all other hotels she stayed in while touring around the country. She was tired of traveling, performing and basically being in a different town every couple of days. And this was definitely a place where she could spend rest of her life.
“Come on in! What do you think? Lovely or what?!” said Mary.
As Meg entered in a room she saw a tightly made bed, a closet and a little table with a vase on with beautiful roses in it.
“You are lucky because this little room has it own bathroom” Meg heard Daniels voice coming from the hallway.
“I will take it if you think I should” said Meg to Mary with a smile on her face.
“Of course, I wouldn’t want it any other way!!” laughed Mary.
“Breakfast is at 9 and launch is served at 3. As for diner, everyone has to figure that out for themselves” explained Daniel adding “Our cook works only till half past 4, but the fridge is always full of something” Daniel sad as him and Mary left the room.

Meg woke up early this morning. She felt so relaxed after such a good night sleep. She hadn’t been so full of energy in a long time. She decided to go for a walk before the breakfast.
And while she stepped outside the Hotel she saw that everybody was in a hurry. She thought to herself: “This must be what country life is like!” As she was walking and looking around she bumped into this lovely girl. “I am so sorry! Please let me help you” Meg picked up one of the bags that fell on the ground and then Meg noticed that she was pregnant. “So sorry!” said Meg again. “Don’t worry, it happens! No harm done, really.” Said lovely girl to Meg and went into the car where this handsome man was waiting for her. “She must be my age, and she seems nice.” thought Meg to herself. Maybe we’ll meat again. It would be nice to have someone here I can become a friend with and I could talk to!” Whit that thought Meg went back to the Hotel; it was just time for breakfast.
“And there she is our new member! Miss Meg Rivers everybody. Please let’s give her big welcome!” said Mary and as she turned around towards Meg she said to her: “We are like a family here!” Meg was then introduced to Willard, traveling salesman, Nancy a district nurse, Mr. Robert Hobbeson, elderly man who was a judge for a town and his wife Victoria, and to Edwina who worked in the Hotel as a cook.
After the breakfast Meg offered to help with the dishes.
“No need, I can do it” said Edwina. “Well, I don’t have anything to do, this way I will” said Meg. As the two of them washed the dishes they chatted. And Meg asked her does she knows anybody who is in need of a hand as Meg needed the job. “As a matter of fact I do know someone!” Edwina replied and continued “See there is this young couple, she is about to have a baby in a few months and she needs someone to help her and to be around. Her husband, see, he works a lot; they have one of the biggest properties around here! It is called Drovers Run. I think you’ll like her! She is about your age.”
“I think I saw them this morning! Does she have beautiful long dark brown hair and crystal bright eyes?” asked Meg. “Yes she does!” Edwina said and continued “that’s Prue and her husband’s name is Jack, Jack McLeod. I will call her and say that you are interested for a job. OK?” “OK! Thank you so much. I really appreciate it” replied Meg. “No worries, I will put a good word for you. Shall I say that you will be on Drovers Run tomorrow afternoon?” said Edwina. “Certainly.” added Meg.

After they finished Meg went outside for a walk and she though “I love it here already”. Meg heard someone calling her name, and as she turned around she saw Edwina waving at her. And Meg walked right towards her. “What is it, is there something wrong?” asked Meg Edwina with concern. “No, nothing I just talk to Prue and she will be here tomorrow morning and she said you can meet her in town. She has to go to see the doctor.” stated Edwina. “Hope everything is all right with her and the baby” Meg said. “Everything is good only her monthly check up that’s all.” said Edwina and continued: “She will be waiting for you in front of the groceries store at 10”. “Thank you again very much Edwina.” said Meg kindly.

That evening Meg went to bed little early. She was thinking about tomorrow. “Hope everything goes well” she said to herself. With that on her mind she fell asleep. When Meg got up it was already 8, 45. She came down took a cup of coffee and sat to the table. She greeted everybody. Meg was a great cook but what Edwina prepared was delightful. “Edwina you must share with me your secret when it comes to the cooking, this is really great”. Meg said. “Sure will do!” Edwina smiled.

“Can you tell me the way toward the groceries store Mr. Daniel” asked Meg. “I will not! Young lady! But if you’ll stop calling me Mr. then I don’t see any problem why I wouldn’t!” laughed Daniel. “Come on I will drive you there I need to get some supplies too!” he smiled to Meg and she smiled back.

Meg waited in front of the groceries store for Prue to come. As she came little early she sat on the bench that was near. Two little boys caught her attention as they played across the street.
While she was looking at them she didn’t saw Prue approaching.
“We didn’t get the chance to be properly introduced the other day!” sad Prue affirming to the day that two of them bumped onto each other. And Meg replied with a smile “No, we didn’t. Hi I’m Meg.” “Nice to meet you Meg, my name is Prudence but everyone calls me Prue. Come on, I’m thirsty, let’s go and have a drink. A glass of cold lemonade would be so refreshing” said Prue and continued. “There is this little place where they serve coolest lemonade and sweetest hot chocolate!” said Prue laughing. “Now I don’t know what to choose! Both are tempting.” Meg laughed as well.
“How would you feel working on a big property?” asked Prue than added “Don’t get me wrong, you, of course, wouldn’t work on all of it. Just homestead.”
“I think I could manage and I hope you will be pleased with my work.” said Meg.
“You can come to see Drovers with us. My husband will come to pick me up at 11 o’clock and we can have a lunch there!” Prue said. “I would like to come, but…” “You must come; come on you’ll see how beautiful Drovers is!” “All right then I‘ll just have to tell Edwina that I will go with you so that everybody in Hotel wouldn’t wait for me.” Meg explained. “No problem! When Jack arrives I’ll tell him to drive us to the Hotel so you’ll let Edwina know about our plans for today!”
While waiting for Jack, Prue and Meg chatted about everything. Jack arrived shortly after. Then Prue introduced him to Meg and told that she will be the one who will be helping her. She also said that she convinced Meg to come to see the land and to have lunch together. And she said to Jack to make a little stop to the Hotel so Meg can tell Edwina that she will be at the Drovers.

The tree of them took a little tour on a homestead and around the property while Prue explained Meg everything about Drovers and what goes where.

Landscape was breathtaking. The sun was high on the horizon and all of the Drovers Run was washed with sunlight. Some of the paddocks seemed like they were fields of gold. You could swear that the trees were leaning just so they could protect the house. Everything felt so peaceful. And somewhere in the distance you could hear the cattle and the sound of a horses gallop. “I like it here, it is so beautiful” said Meg. And Prue replied on that: “It maybe quiet now and lovely but wait in a couple of hours when the cow and the sheep starts arriving! But no worries our workers who are taking care of the cattle handling that very well. Come on I wanna take you to see my precious!” Prue took Meg to the horse barn and then she showed her this beautiful mare. “She is my pride and joy; it calms me down when I ride her, I so love horses. She is so cuddling and sweet. I can’t wait to go back up and have the wind runs through my hair” said Prue with the warm smile on her face.
The lunch was over and they went outside and sat on the verandah.
“I’ll leave you two ladies now, I have to go to check East paddock” said Jack and excused himself. It was around 6 when Jack and his team of workers returned. The sheep dogs were running around the cattle making sure that they are headed towards the sheds. The cows and the sheep were making their characteristic sounds. “See what I’m talking about” asked Prue
“It’s not too bad I could get used to it” replied Meg. “Sure you could when I got used to anyone can too!” said Prue. “Than it is settled you work for me now!” acclaimed Prue happily.
After they had dinner Jack drove Meg back to the Hotel. They agreed that she will still live in the Hotel and she will come on Drovers every morning and leave in the evening for now.
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