Even more TL'DR-ing wheeeeee~ Character List!

Jul 31, 2009 13:16

This character list is subject to change as I continue to work out the storyline. Some characters may be assigned to more than one role, as well as other characters being left blank, because I'm undecided. If you guys want, you can leave opinions here.

Hoshikawa Subaru(Geo Stelar)----->Fudou Yuusei and War-Rock(Omega-Xis)----->Stardust Dragon

Subaru is the main protagonist of the Ryuusei no Rockman series, and grows from a lonely, socially aversive ten-year old into a hero who inspires courage in others as he strives to protect those he holds dear. He is mature for his age, and has a rather serious bent-however, he does still enjoy having fun. He enjoys fiddling with technology, and his life's dream is to become an astronaut and go into space. Subaru, after the death of his father when he was seven, cuts off friendships with others in an attempt to shield himself from the pain of losing people, going so far as to quit going to school and being home-schooled. After finding friends, however, he begins discovering the power of bonds (first game), the way that courage connects the world (second game), and how friends can support you through loss (third game). He Denpa-Henkans with War-Rock to become Rockman (Megaman).

War-Rock was originally from the Planet AM, however, when Planet FM, a neighboring planet, destroyed it, he lived on FM, becoming one of its strongest soldiers in an attempt to get close to the FM King, Cepheus, and exact revenge. He was able to steal the key to it's strongest weapon, Andromeda, and escaped to Earth. He met Subaru's father, who the FM king had captured due to feeling threatened by his offers of forming a Brotherband between FM and Earthh; and agreed to turn him into Denpa waves so that he could escape. War-Rock was separated from him when attacked by Taurus. On Earth, he meets and befrends Subaru, eventually deciding to live permanently on Earth with him. War-Rock is a go-and-get 'em kind of alien, with little patience and always ready to, in his words, "go buck wild". He gets overexcited over many things, and his character greatly contrasts with the quiet Subaru. He learns kindness from the boy, just as Subaru learns courage from him.

Hibiki Misora (Sonia Sky)----->Izayoi Aki(Akiza Izinski) and Harp(Lyra)----->Black Rose Dragon

Misora is a young starlet who is famous for her singing and later on, her acting. She originally sung songs for her sick mother, and went to an audition on her mother's request. She always sung for her mother's sake, however, when her mother died, Misora felt that her songs had no purpose, and was furious with the manager for using her and her mother's songs for money. She soon broke down, not wanting to sing any longer, and ran off the day of a concert. She was discovered by Subaru (who knew nothing about her due to being an emo-tastic recluse) and he agreed to help her hide, however, she was soon found out and taken back by the manager. Her desparation over her songs being used made her an easy target for an FM-ian, Lyra, who persuaded her into harming "all the nasty people who would dirty your songs". Subaru and War-Rock stop them, and Subaru and Misora bond over the pain of lost parents, and become each other's very first Brother. They both make each other a promise to get stronger-Misora temporarily quits singing in order to find herself as a person, and promises her fans that she will come back because of their support, and Subaru finally brings himself to go to school. Misora and Subaru continue to be close friends, and it's hinted that they may have a crush on each other. She supports him in battles, often coming to his rescue when he is trapped. She Denpa-Henkans with Harp to become Harp Note (Lyra Note).

Harp is the FM-ian who possesses Misora, and after being defeated by Subaru and War-Rock, she promptly decides that she doesn't want to go back to FM, and decides to stay with Misora. She often likes to tease War-Rock (who complains that he and women never get along), and has a chipper, spunky personality. Her powers lie in the manipulation of sound waves and music.

Shirogane Luna (Luna Platz)------>??? and Ophicuous-----> Reptiless Gorgon and Vogue-----> Inaba White Rabbit

Luna is the president of the fifth grade class that Subaru should have been attending in the first game, and in the beginning of the series, appears to be nothing more of an annoyance, constantly pestering Subaru to attend school in order to improve her reputation as class president. She has a crush on his alternate persona, Rockman. Despite her vapid actions, she does prize her friendships highly, often the one assuming control and giving a good round lecture to snap her depressed friends back into reality. Her deeper, more sensitive nature is hidden by her large ego. When her parents decided that her school and friends were no good for her, and agreed to transfer her to a private school without her consent, Luna broke down, frustrated with her parents for treating her like their doll. This made her an easy target for an FM-ian, Ophicuous, an FM-ian who controls snakes. She Denpa-Henkaned with Luna to create Ophicuous Queen. After being defeated by Rockman, she finds his secret identity, and soon becomes one of Subaru's closest friends, supporting him from the sidelines with her strong words and even stronger faith.

In the third game, she obtains a Wizard calle Vogue (who she cannot Denpa-Henkan with, as Vogue is a Support Wizard). Vogue resembles a bunny in a hat.

Ushijima Gonta(Bud Bison)----->Crow Hogan and Ox(Taurus)----->Blackfeather Armored Wing(Blackwing Armor Master)

Gonta is one of Luna's loyal friends who constatnly pesters Subaru to come to school. He prides himself on his strength. Subaru unintentionally shatters that pride when War-Rock gets annoyed with Gonta's bugging and forces Subaru to punch him, knocking him to the floor. This has Luna threatening to cut off their BrotherBand, which worries him. He fears that without his friend, he'd be back to beng a nobody, being alone. Taurus takes this opportunity to Denpa-Henkan with him, becoming Taurus Fire and telling him to show Luna his power. After being defeated by Rockman, he apologizes to Luna for all the trouble he's caused, and soon also becomes a fan of Rockman, seeing Rockman as a role model. He and Subaru soon become great friends. In the second and third game, a residual wave of Taurus is driven mad, causing Bud to revert back into Taurus Fire. In the third game, the residual wave of Taurus becomes Bud's Wizard in gratefulness for Bud housing him, and Bud slowly learns to Denpa-Henkan throught the course of the third game, becoming another powerful ally. Taurus is known as the physically strongest of the FM-ians, and attacks by charging attacks and spitting flames.

Saishoin Kizamaro(Zack Temple)----->??? and Pedia----->???
Kizamaro is another one of Luna's "flunkies" who becomes Subaru's friend. He is somewhat nerdy and condescending, and is short (which irks him). He is the only one of Subaru's close posse who has not Denpa-Henkaned at all, although he does obtain a Support Wizard named Pedia. Both Kizamaro and Pedia supply the group with information (oh you plot device you).

Futaba Tsukasa (Patrick "Pat" Sprigs)----->Kiryuu Kyosuke, Futaba Hikaru(Rey Sprigs)----->Kallen Kessler, and Gemini----->Earthbound God Ccapac Apu (Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu)

Tsukasa is another friend of Subaru's. He seeks Subaru out on the premise that he believed Subaru would understand his story. As an infant, he was abandoned in a junkyard by his parents and left alone for most of his life. Subaru was the first and only person to hear this story out, and he offers Tsukasa to be his Brother (which is highly significant, as this is the first time he has asked someone to be his close friend). However, Tsukasa claims he has another secret, which he fears will make Subaru hate him, and asks him to give him one day to decide whether to tell Subaru or not. The secret is that due to the trauma of being abandoned, he developed an alternate persona, Hikaru, who personified Tsukasa's emotions of rage, and amplified it from rage at their parents to rage at the world. Tsukasa struggles with his alternate persona, and at first decides to be Subaru's friend. However, when telling Subaru of his decision, Hikaru rears his head and persuades Tsukasa to betray Subaru, turning on him and making an alliance with Gemini, the FM King's right-hand man. Their Denpa-Henkan is quite unique, as they end up splitting into Gemini Black and Gemini White-Black being Hikaru and White being Tsukasa. This betrayal rattles Subaru to his core and causes him to temporarily cut off his fledgling Brotherbands. However, Tsukasa comes back later on, defending Subaru against Gemini as an apology to him for his betrayal. In the second game, the Geminis are friendly, optional bosses, as Tsukasa wants help with repressing Hikaru, and after the third optional fight, seems to have near perfect control of him. In the third game, he is no longer there, the only explanation being that he is "gone", and his empty seat later replaced by Jack.

Gemini is the right-hand man of the FM King, and a powerful antagonist during the first game. He has power over electricity, and can call forth powerful lightning strikes. He used the FM King's paranoia against him, persuading him that every offer of friendship was simply a method of getting close to him to delete him, and the young king easily believed him, having already been on the receiving end of many regicide attempts. Through him, the King destroyed AM and nearly destroyed Earth, however, he was deleted twice by Subaru and War-Rock.

Solo/Burai(Rouge)----->Jack Atlas/Rouge King* and Laplace----->Red Daemon's Dragon

Solo is an antagonist that appears in the second game. He takes affront at Subaru's strong affection for his bonds, and picks fights with him several times during the storyline. Unlike Subaru, Solo finds strength in remaining alone. He takes this to the extreme of obtaining the "Indie Proof", which constantly surrounds him with a Denpa barrier that repels everything. It is soon revealed that he is the last remaining survivor of the lost continent of Mu, and the sole heir to its many wonders. His main goal is to find what happened to cause the continent of Mu to fall, and to preserve as many of its technologies as he can in an effort to keep them out of undeserving hands. Solo is able to Denpa-Henkan without a Denpa partner and only from sheer willpower, due to his heritage. His aversion to bonds is explained by his childhood-as a child, he was able to see the Wave World and Denpa Waves. This ability, as well as the ability to Denpa-Henkan, caused him to be seen as a monster by many people. They soon ganged up in groups and attacked him-but only in groups. When Solo sought them out for revenge, he found that they were cowardly and weak on their own. Solo becomes Subaru's main rival and claims that they will neer see eye to eye, despite Subaru's many attempts to help and befriend him. In the third game, Solo grudingly admits that while he still doesn't agree with Subaru's idea of friendship, he acknowledges his strength to protect his bonds. He denies Subaru's claims that he indeed does have a bond to protect-his bond with Mu, rebuffing him and telling him to stop acting like Subaru understands him.

Laplace is implied to be one of Mu's Denpa inhabitants, released when Mu sank into the ocean. He becomes Solo's Wizard, however, as Solo can already Denpa-Henkan on his own, he transforms into a scimitar for Burai to use. He is very silent, talking in only static-y noises that only Solo seems to understand.

*OOC Note: You have no idea how tempted I was to call Jack's Denpa-Henkaned form "Lonely King". FFFFFFFFFFH.

Lady Vega -----> Rex Godwin and Empty/Hollow *Alistair* -----> Rudger Godwin

Lady Vega is the mastermind of the second game. Not much is known about her until near the end of the game. It is revealed that she was the scientist who's work provided the basis of Matter Waves-waves that could be formed into solid objects and paved the way for Wizard technology in the third game. However, it is found that she vanished some time before the game starts, and mysteriously, several artifacts from Mu disappeared with her. It's not until Rockman confronts her near the end that she gives her reasoning as to why she's abusing the power of Mu, and intent on reviving Ra Mu Xa.

Her story begins as a poor girl in a small, poor country lead by incompetent leaders who easily fell to corruption. She vowed to escape that country and its corruption, and to do so, put all her effort into becoming a scientist. When it seemed she was going to leave, the corrupt leaders took her most important thing from her, leaving her inconsolable at her loss. The corrupt leaders were always at war, and her lifelong best friend and lover, Alistair, had been sent to war and was killed. Furious at the incompetence of the leaders, she vowed to find a way get Alistair back and eliminate any chance of someone taking him away again. She decided that she would eliminate all the fools in the world, that they only existed to serve the strong, and so, she decided to reawaken the power of Mu to do so-for this, according to its lore, is what the power did, rose Mu into the sky where the humans living there ruled over all others down below.

Empty is Lady Vega's sole Brother and only true confidant. Led inconsolable by her loss of her best friend and lover, Alistair, she strove to find a way to return him to her. This effort led to her making the very first Matter Wave-a clone of a human. However, the clone had none of Alistair's memories-it was merely an empty shell of the deceased human, leading to its name. Depressed by her failure, she strove to put Empty away and forget about him, but she couldn't. She knew he wasn't Alistair, but couldn't help in confiding in him, pouring all her emotions out to him, just as she would have to her lover-and soon came to care for him as his own being. She armored the Alistair-clone when it came time to bring her plans to fruition, making the mysterious robed figure that Rockman was constantly coming into conflict with as Vega's right-hand man. Despite her acceptance of him, Empty still constantly feels guilt that he cannot recall the memories of the one he was made to resemble, and, after sacrificing himself to save Vega from Ra Mu, makes a fervent wish to be able to talk to Vega the same way Alistair did-just once. This wish triggers a short visit from Alistair's spirit, who consoles the distraught Vega and encourages her to continue to live, to find happiness again. Vega, after this consolation from both Alistair and Rockman, decides she will return to Earth to atone for what she has done-one one condition: that Rockman comes back alive...they have plenty to explain. Of course, having made that promise to his friends already, Rockman readily agrees to keep it.

Jack----->Luciano and Corvus----->Machine Emperor Skiel

Jack is one of the main antagonists in the third game. A short, irritable boy, he is at first cold and indifferent to everyone except his older sister, Queen Tia. He is forced to go undercover and befrend Subaru in order to learn about the source of his powers as Rockman, and Subaru immediately identifies with him, as he attempts to avoid everyone on his first day in class. However, as he hangs around the others more, he appears to begin to grow a connection with them-it is promptly endangered by the fact that Subaru finds out that he and his sister are members of the evil organization, Dealer. Jack decides to fight the unwilling Subaru. Jack reveals his reasons for fighting-Dealer will grant his and his sister's wish. Back when they were young, they were the children of a ruler who ruled a small, but technology advanced kingdom. Soon, neigboring countries invaded their country to obtain their technology, and Jack and Tia were made orphans. Their wish is to wipe all technology from the face of the earth, so that there will be no more wars over it. Subaru defeats Jack twice, once at the school where he terrorizes his former classmates, and once again at Meteor G. After his second defeat, Jack rethinks his decision, deciding that their wish would only make more orphans like them. He chooses to become Subaru's ally and friend. Corvus attempts to take control over Jack's body after this decision, but he is deleted by Burai before he can do so.

Corvus is a high-profile criminal on Planet FM along with Virgo. It is implied that he, Virgo, and War-Rock have some history together, as the two were at one point strong enough to thoroughly beat War-Rock easily. He has the appearance of a orange bird like being wearing black armor, and fuses with Jack to become Jack Corvus, a winged being that can attack with ghostly fire and hard slashes. He is deleted by Burai when he attempts to take over Jack's body forcefully.

Queen Tia ----->Placido and Virgo----->Machine Emperor Wisel

Queen Tia is Jack's older sister, and is also one of the main antagonists of the third game. Unlike her impulsive younger brother, Tia is controlled and calm, and is often the only one who can calm him down at times. She goes undercover with her brother, Jack entering as a transfer student in Subaru's class while Tia enters as a student teacher. She is the first to notice the slow but steady changes that the class' friendship is having on her younger brother, and thusly decides to attack the WAZA headquarters on her own, which results in her being captured after being defeated by a joint effort between Subaru and Ace. It is revealed through her that Ace was indeed once part of Dealer and that Ace wanted to escape with both her and Jack, because he and Tia loved each other. However, they clung too tightly to their dream, and instead choose to stay. She is defeated twice, like her brother, once at WAZA and once at Meteor G, which they had stolen control of from Mr. King. Eventually she decides to give up after her second defeat and finding out that Jack has chosen to give up on it before her. Virgo tries to retake her body after this decision, but she is deleted by Burai before she can do so.

Virgo is a high-profile criminal on Planet FM along with Corvus. She has a very sadistic personality, often enjoying others' pain. She has the appearance of a blue girl-like figure with purple armor and has control over water. She Denpa-Henkans with Queen Tia to become Queen Virgo, a regal being that can summon water in various forms such as a barrier, heavy rain, and dragons. She is deleted by Burai when she attempts to take over Tia's body forcefully.

Shido Akatsuki (Arthur C. Eos "Ace")----->Bruno and Acid-----> Tech Genus Blade Gunner

Ace is a member of the Satella Police, who Denpa-Henkans with the Wizard Ace to become Acid Ace, a particularly strong Denpa-Human. He is a rather quirky character, often found snacking on treats and appears light hearted one moment, serious the next. He gives Subaru the "Noise Program Black Ace/Red Joker (depending on the game)" when finding out that Subaru was somewhat able to resist the devasting effects of Noise. It was revealed that he was once a member of the evil organization Dealer, but betrayed them. He apparently dies trying to save the others from Joker's self-destruct, however, it is revealed in the credits that he was found and is currently recovering in the hospital.

Acid is the first man-made Denpa being created for Denpa-Henkan(the other being Joker). He is methodical and buisnesslike, although he does have the capablity to show affection. His calm nature often irritates War-Rock, as Rock assumes that Acid is talking down to him. Because Acid is man-made, his Denpa-Henkan wears down Ace's mind and body, only allowing their form to be usable for a short time. He was infected by Noise by Joker, causing him to become Acid Illegal (Acid Ace B). Acid, along with Joker, contain the original, perfect programs that are able to absorb and control Noise, meaning that the version Subaru uses is actually an inferior copy. Ace's design is the basis for one of the two "ultimate" finalizations featured in the third set of games, "Black Ace".

Mr. King ------> Jose and Joker ------> Machine Emperor Gronel

Mr. King, simply referred to as "King," is the leader of the group "Dealer," a terrorist group that is the main antagonist of the third game series.  Their main tactics are to drive wizards out of control in order to accumulate the Crimson that is produced from their rampages. It is revealed that he is collecting vast amounts of Crimson in order to accumulate enough to control a large mass of Noise in outer space, known as Meteor G. By gaining control over this comet, he hopes to make the world leaders fear him enough to hand over control to him. Using it's powers, he can "Jam" any location he desires, flooding it with Noise Waves so strong that all signals to and from the station are blocked, rendering any device useless, as well as automatically killing any humans in the struck area. However, his efforts at controlling the comet are blocked by Subaru's father, who had been transformed into a mass of Denpa by War-Rock in an effort to help him escape prior to the events of the first game; and by Heartless, the former leader of the project dealing with Subaru's father's space station, and who had joined up with Dealer in order to spy on it as well as locate Subaru's father. He was dropped into a Noise Wave by Heartless, but survived by absorbing the Noise-controlling programs of his deleted Wizard, Joker. After the comet is sent to crash into the earth by Jack and Queen Tia, and Rockman attempts to destroy it, King makes a last ditch effort to stop him by fusing himself with Meteor G, becoming the Crimson Dragon.

Joker is Mr. King's wizard, one of the only two man-made Denpa life-forms that have the ability of Crimson-i.e.: to control Noise (the other being Acid). He has the appearance of a large, muscular, dark-skinned man dressed in red, regal attire. He highly disdains those he sees as week, deeming them unnecessary and has deleted several "weaklings" without remorse, including Luna, by turning them into data fragments and scattering them into the Wave World. He serves King loyally, for he hated being without a purpose for existing, and serving King gives him that purpose. After being defeated by Rockman, Joker, under King's orders, self-destructs in an attempt to kill all that are present (i.e.: Rockman, Acid Ace, Queen Tia, and Jack), but Acid Ace manages to absorb the attempt and keep the blast area restricted to himself and Joker only, seemingly giving up his life in the process. His Noise-controlling data is then used by King in order to survive being dropped into a Noise Wave. Joker's design is the basis for one of the two "ultimate" Noise finalizations featured in the third set of games, called "Red Joker".

ooc, tl'dr

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