Something I just made <3 I may be a day early, but I still want to wish Yabu a happy birthday <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 I remember seeing him in Hey! Say! JUMP and then learning about Ya-Ya-yah and being shocked at how much he grew since then, and now is another time where I am shocked at how much he's grown... It's kinda hard to believe how long its been and how things constantly change in this world, and how we never notice the change going on until it just randomly shows up or forces you to notice it.
Ok...I'm starting to sound really weird lol well happy birthday Yabu! I hope the last production of 'She Loves Me' goes well and that everyone in Hey! Say! JUMP wishes you a wonderful birthday.
1/31/90 a day that means a lot <3