Podfic for kizuna_exchange

Apr 30, 2012 09:07

Title: Voci del Mare
Author: alienashi
Reader: becquinho
Cover artist: adistantsun
Pairing: Akame, Jin/Meisa
Duration: 27:20
Rating: R
Warnings: Vague and messy timeline, based on canon ie Meisa, angst (I think), not enough porn

Summary: He just wants to be with him, like the love song he knows they were meant to be.

.MP3 audio file, 50MB

Title: Sunday Mornings
Author: misao-duo
Reader: randomicicle
Cover artist: natsukashi_yume
Pairing: Akame
Duration: 25:39
Rating: R
Warnings: slice of life, some swearing, guy talk, sexual situations, fluff

Summary: Sunday morning rain is falling / Steal some covers share some skin
Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable / You twist to fit the mold that I am in

.MP3 audio file, 24MB

Title: Let Them Eat Cookies
Author: nightinbird
Reader: becquinho
Cover artist: adistantsun
Pairing: HayaRyu
Duration: 50:05
Rating: R
Warnings: Sex, drinks, and the death of a chocolate bunny

Summary: As Take is the last to come of age, Hayato is determined to throw him a really, really awesome party. Ryu is just determined not to accidentally crawl into Hayato's lap.

.MP3 audio file, 46MB

Title: Snails a la Ex-Idol
Author: marlenem
Reader: randomicicle
Cover artist: adistantsun
Pairing: Akame
Duration: 36:31
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: What-if AU, fluff, romance, angst

Summary: The story in which Kazuya becomes a chef when Johnny bans him from KAT-TUN and the media altogether for five years.

.MP3 audio file, 33.5MB

Title: If you want me to stay (I'll be okay)
Author: singlehappiness & irrelephance
Reader: becquinho
Cover artist: natsukashi_yume
Pairing: Akame
Duration: 54:16
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Lots of canon references, mentions of Jincidents, angst all over the bay

Summary: Jin is like the ocean.

.MP3 audio file, 50MB

+kame/jin, +jin/other, k_x 2012

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