Title: voci del mare
Pairing: Kame/Jin, Jin/Meisa
Word count: ~3k
Rating: R, for non explicit sexual situations and language
Warnings: Vague and messy timeline, based on canon ie Meisa, angst (I think), not enough porn
Notes: Title means "voices of the sea" in Italian (thanks, C-chan!), language chosen for no reason, it just sounds nice ;) Satsuki
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tbh you have no idea how relieved it made me to see you liking it, because i sorta battled with ~issues~ and i really wanted to do it for you after seeing how you answered me. because you're like the nicest person ever and biggest fan ever and i was like '♥ she's so cute'
i'm also really glad that you..love this. and reading how you felt them "meant to be" by the end almost teared me up i mean, i had hoped that it made you feel that way..so you have no how happy i was T_T
so .. yeah. thank you for being my recipient (and please don't feel humbled, i, for one, enjoyed your fics so much, i felt intimidated /blushes)
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