Title: The Real Face World
ryograndePairing: Akame?
Rating: PG
Genre/Warnings: crack, snark, cameos, stupidity, and lots and lots of gay
Notes: I was intrigued by the concept of 'what if' AU, which led to "what if KAT-TUN were forced to live together?" I don't think that's exactly how it's supposed to work, and I fear that this is more gen than pairing
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Comments 64
Just let me read it first. <3
I loved it so, so very much. The idea, the story, the structure, every single person you built in. I don't even know where to start so forgive me if this ends up sounding strange.
I'm not very fond of reality tv but you pretty much had me in the first sentence:
Two JE senior executives walk into a bar.
The beginning of every good joke in the world. ♥
No, wait, actually you already had me at the title: The Real Face World. Ingenious!
At first I thought I could just quote and comment on every sentence I liked. Then I noticed I was copying almost the whole fic, so I stopped. :D
I love the plot. From the poor soul who gets to tell Kat-tun their fate ("You will die in your sleep," Jin hisses in English.) to Kame being ocd and Jin being absolutely exhausted (poor baby); I adore how you managed to write a story about falling in love with someone you've known for years and it's absolutely comprehensible why it's only now, what's changed. I really like the structure ( ... )
If this is what you like and it matches up that well with what I like... would you mind if I friended you? Because that's definitely something in common right there. ♥ Ah, embarassing~ It's fine if you don't want to, but I'd really like that. :)
The way Jin used to look at him, like Kame had all the answers in the world despite being the younger one, when Kame was just as clueless as him.
There's a new one in its place now, just as beautiful but completely foreign to him.
It's worth it to see Jin look at him like that again.
Kame wakes up with his nose in Jin's hair and a smile on his face.
Homemade pasta and red sauce tastes a lot better when he's in love.
"Be safe," is all that comes out, and this time it's as natural as if he's been saying it for years.Other things that deserve special mention are Kame's chore wheel, Ueda telling Kame that he's obvious, Kame having ulterior motives, the bit about how KT are fiercely competitive when they're together, how Jin is not ( ... )
And I love the ending, how it doesn't culminate into some epic confession but fits the tone of the story, a little nervous but surprisingly comfortable. It's so easy to understand Kame's feelings, and their interaction is played just right. I'd love to see a sequel or companion fic from Jin's perspective. :3 /hint
No unnecessary dramatics or conflicts, just the six of them as they are.
yes, that. :D
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