おたんじょうびおめだとうSakurai-kun! Didn't get to post this on his birthday so here's to me throwing my studies aside for today to do this dedication post.
I saw clips on IG of how he celebrated his birthday on ShowChannel alone and with the cast of ShowChannel & Nemesis. Not sure if I'm the only one, but this made me miss how they celebrated birthday's as a group. Throwback to them celebrating Aiba-chan's birthday in a hotel in VSA 2020 special (full vid can be seen by
arashitrans ).
This aside, here's to Sakurai-kun and more amazing works this 2023. Can't get over his personality difference in Nemesis movie compared to the drama Daibyoin Senkyo (Captured Hospital). His character in Nemesis totally reminds me of this This is MJ segment in Shiyagare. As usual, loose translations are below.
Ryo-san: Eyebrows. Eyebrows. Eyebrows. Don’t come close. Somebody help me!
Sakurai-kun: Ryo-chan?
Ryo-san: This voice…. “This is SS?”
Sakurai-kun: Good evening. This is Sakurai (Sho-kun really be trolling here using his News Zero voice >.<)
Ryo-san: How polite!
Sakurai-kun: Hold on, Ryo-chan. I’m coming to help now!
Okay so I love goofy Sho but let's also take a moment to appreciate how strong and responsible he is. Just take a look at his relationship with Oh-chan. It's pretty clear how close they are with the way Sakurai-kun calls Riida "aniki". He mentioned this in another show as well (will put the clip if I can find it). And of course, Ohno calls him Sho-chan on multiple occasions.
Disclaimer: video credits to their original owner