I was nearly finished Silent Hill: Origins.
I've defeated countless monstrosities. Faced my inner demons, helped set in motion the events of the first silent hill, and been scared shitless. But I wasn't prepared for what happened next.
My PSP suddenly went slate grey.... and flashed the no-battery symbol. It had been 20 minutes since my last save. Damn ye GODS!!!!!!
Guess I'll finish it tomorrow instead.
In the mean time, here is a mildly amusing parody of the Mass Effect/ Fox News debacle which any self-respecting Gamer will have been rolling their eyes at for the last week.
Click to view
The saddest thing is, that's so nearly what really happened.
If you missed this you can see the reality here:
Click to view
Addendum: I recharged my psp and when I turned it on, it started still on Silent Hill, right at the point it had gone off. Wow. Thanks Sony.
Finished it now. Good Game.