so uh seriously.. what have i been up to during this entire time i wasnt blogging..
huh.. let me think about this.. *twirls thumbs* not much really.. but not nothing either
despite not writing about my little escapes to total fandom from my normal life
i have nevertheless kept myself up to date on the daily obligations of a good fangirl
THOUGH that being said.. i must also admit that it hasnt always been easy
and trying to carry on full fangirl life now that school is finished is no walk in the park meh.
many nights i find myself staying up to hours i'd rather not discuss doing nothing but dling
and then pass out right after because i'm just too tired to even watch the files i just dled
*how depressing is that?* D8 T_T
enter jdownload - now when i say imagine life SO much easier.. i mean it in the sense of actually having life easier
hahaha.. i may be the last one on this gravy train but i sure as hell am gonna dedicate a post
just to say how awesome it is LOL
long story short.. yeah MF, MU, etc etc (all them up in the cloud servers) you just copy the link
to jdownload and get yourself some nice smelling pillows and off to Zzz land you go
cause OMG the thing downloads the files for you without you having to press every single damn link
and wait and wait some more.. it does it FOR you!! 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D wow! *clap clap clap*
oh what's that? what about the ones that need passwords?
yes. jdownload even has a special spot for you in its heart 8D cause you can input the password in
before you go grab your Zzzs and you wouldnt have to worry about one damn thing!
life does get easier. we deserve to have an easier life.
damnit it's free too. what can i say? ... lub lub.