
(no subject)

Jun 21, 2012 12:01

The newspaper this morning informed me that it has been very hot in southwestern Ontario.

To which I reply: NO FUCKING SHIT!

It is hot and I am very cranky. But on the bright side, I have internet again! It blew out over the last few days, so I am really pleased. It's the little things I guess.

I have to admit though, while not on the net I got a whooooole lot of writing done which was nice. Well, when my laptop wasn't being weird I did anyway. It's doing this new thing where it fades really really pale and then kind of freezes but not really? Like I can still move the mouse and switch windows it is just really slow going and everything kind of blurs into everything else? I have no idea what it is happening. Maybe it is just wearing out. Anyway I emailed all my important files to myself this morning as soon as I saw the internet was back up, so I think I am just going to wait this one out for now, since I only have the money for a new laptop in crazy people world.
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