Dec 02, 2009 23:50
This has certainly been an interesting year, really fabulous in places and really difficult in others, often having those two states overlap. I'm not sure what I'm looking for in the year to come. I have said in the past that I wish things would either slow down or be boring for a while, but I know now that neither of those things are actually true for me. That was really hard to accept. I LIKE my life, all the good, bad, and the beautiful. It really is all beautiful, even if I don't have supreme enjoyment of all of it. There is still this Joy that runs through it all, and that Joy sustains me.
It is that Joy for which I long, yearn with all my spirit. I have battled the Demon Shame about my yearning; I was taught to be ashamed for wishing to feel that current, Ananda, the Joy without which life would cease to exist. I was taught be ashamed of yearning for Life, for Love.
I reclaim that Joy, now, right now. I want all of you to do the same. And when you have fallen back into that place where we try to refuse Life, then remember and return, always return; there is no penalty, only Joy to be found.
I hope we all find Joy in this season of celebrating Light.