On fear and loss and other things

Sep 30, 2009 22:52

Contemplating yezida 's post from a couple of days ago on fear, I was reminded of a turn of phrase I thought of a few years ago.

This is all there is.

There are so many ways to read that simple sentence.  You could read it as a limitation, yet another way to voice the sense of lack that our culture is so fond of, the idea that there is NO abundance, that everything that is given will be taken away somewhere else.  On the other hand, you could read it with the emphasis on a different word and completely change the meaning of the sentence.  This way of reading the words tries to encompass the enormity of Existence, that all is one, not just humans but all of Creation.

I fear loss.  I fear change.  Change equals loss in my animal hind brain.  But, what if I look at this differently?  I am a gripper, a holder, struggling to hold onto things and people because I fear losing them, losing myself.  The most important things in the Universe are the only REAL things...Love, Love, Love.  Love cannot die.  It can - and does - change.  It exists illogically, irrationally, non-linearly, whether I like it or not!

So, what am I so afraid of?  At the end, only Love will remain.  All else is just illusion.

love, change, fear

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