.ready, set, go

Jul 14, 2008 01:19

So I finally remembered what I wanted to do earlier, and that was make some Tokio Hotel bases. It's not fair... Bill is so much prettier than me, and he's a boy!! Life is cruel sometimes... Like that my favorite food is Mac & Cheese, and yet I'm lactose-intolerant -sigh- on to the bases...
Comment before you take anything. Credit is LOVE.

[x] 40 Tokio Hotel


Tokio Hotel #001 #002 #003 #004 #005

#006 #007 #008 #009 #010

#011 #012 #013 #014 #015

#016 #017 #018 #019 #020

#021 #022 #023 #024 #025

#026 #027 #028 #029 #030

#031 #032 #033 #034 #035

#036 #037 #038 #039 #040 Oops!

tokio hotel, bases

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