I said, PREPARE YOURSELF, PEEPLE. 62 PAGES IN ONE CHAPTER. WHAT THE FUCKING HELL. And the characters are awake until the very end.
Starship Elyssa
Episode 4. Versus
“What do you think?”
“I think that…these sushi pieces are a little too big.”
“I don’t know; they fit into my mouth.”
“Yeah, well barely into mine.”
“Well, just two bites and you’re done.”
“I don’t have two bites. Two bites and the thing is already falling apart.”
“What I do is put in my mouth, bite into it, swallow, then struggle with the second piece-”
“Honey. They’re too big.”
“But it’s so good!”
“But it’s too big to really…enjoy.”
“So on a scale from one to ten, how would you rate this place?”
“Um, like maybe a four or a five?”
“So clearly not good enough huh?”
“I mean it‘s okay..”
“Well, it’s not really Japanese sushi, it’s Tskijhingu shisu-”
“It‘s okay.”
“Yeah, I admit, like in my opinion, as it could be as good as Japanese sushi.”
“Buuuuuut it‘s not really.”
“I know, okay, well next time you can pick.”
“Thank you.”
“Is now a good time?”
“Okay let’s do this.”
“Yes, let’s.”
The chair flipped over. The table was knocked to the floor, and forty five credits worth of foreign food flew into the air hitting various customers still enjoying their meal. The two women snapped onto their feet, phasers raised to the air, the energy of the outdoor restaurant breaking into a frenzy as they pointed their guns at a table next to them. Two women, one green, one tan, dressed in native attire, modified kimono dresses, and sunglasses, stood up in the midst of the chaos with their phasers directly pressed against the sides of the heads of two men. As the people moved around them, legs rising higher, older aliens covering their head from scattering food, the wealthy getting splashed from various expensive booze glittered in foreign imported words and prices, the two women remained still in frenzy of it all.
Amidst the screaming, the flinch of the target’s hand into the folds of his yukata caused Road’s phaser to switch to the red color, a clear indicator of “kill.” It made a sound of reving up to the high level of energy, causing him to gulp visably but calmly.
“I am Captain Catherine Watson of the Starship Elyssa. You are hereby arrested according to Starfleet federation protocol for embezzlement, hijacking Starfleet equipment, impersonating Starfleet personel, and for disrupting the peace. Surrender peacefully, and you will be detained without harm.”
The two perpetrators cautiously rose their arms into the air.
“Excellent. Blair. Take them in.”
NEWSFEED10.27.2258.6:45>>> The company bailout members were captured today who had reportedly robbed the Miles Foundation of two billion credits. Derek O’Connor and Hector Johnson are accused of embezzlement, unlawful impersonation, and disturbing the peace, after a brawl in New Times Square, in New New York, which left six injured and three police cars totaled.
The legendary Enterprise and its crew have been spotted around the Laruntian system after having completed is 30th mission while also capturing the infamous Kodos, who was believed dead. Captain James T. Kirk discovered Kodos disguised as a Shakespearean actor among a troupe passing through. He claims the capture to be just “putting two and two together.” James T. Kirk is known for being the Acting Captain of the heroic flagship during the Narada Attack just a year ago. He was promoted to Captain of the Enterprise soon after. He’s also known as Humanoid’s Magazine’s 2258’s top ten sexiest men in uniform.
In other news, trouble in the neutral zone, as negotiations between The Federation and the Klingon Empire turned aggressive since two posts along the Klingon border have been reported destroyed. Reasons as to what seemed to have caused the attack go unknown, while Klingon public seem to believe it was undercover Starfleet forces. Negotations continue.
Romulan Ale too strong? Deena Su has a suggestion to turn that sour taste sweet. Tonight after the break>>>
“….in the town where I was born, lived a man from across the sea..”
The half-Brazilian, half Caucasian, full American Chief Engineer rolled over in response to the singing alarm. A hand swung into the air and knocked the alarm to the ground, but the ballad continued.
“…we all live in a yellow submarine! A yellow submarine! Yellow submarine!”
“Oh for fuck’s sake….” groaned Lauren Teixeira as she rolled onto her back and flipped the covers off. She lied there for a second before sitting up and moving to ease her feet onto the floor. She stood up onto her feet, feeling the weight of ship to the balls of her feet. She leaned down and picked up the singing instrument and corrected its alarm puzzle in order to quiet it. Afterwords, she quickly made the long walk in the cold bedroom to the shower unit.
“Jayses, Computer, raise the temp by three degrees!”
After a quick sonic shower, Teixeira slipped into her red uniform, a pair of mismatched socks and Starfleet protocol boots. She pulled back her wavy dark brown hair into a a short pony tail. She placed in her contacts and checked her messages.
“Computer, play back messages.”
The computer took a second to reply.
“You have sixteen new messages.”
Teixeira opened her mouth in shock. “What?”
“First message.”
Texiera stomped over to her comm screen.
“Lauren, I can’t rememberifyou’rehalfbrazilianorfullbrazilliani’mnotsureifitmattersbut-”
Teixeira dragged her finger along the screen, speeding through the first ten messages, selecting and deleting the many that were pointless. She came across a few that seemed important, majority from Konei, one from Roads, and one from Cannito. Wait, one from Cat?
Teixeira picked the message out of the trashbin and pulled it back up to the main screen. She started from the beginning.
“Hi, Lauren, this is Cat. There’s a message from earth for you, I’ve sent it directly to your inbox. I think it’s important. See you in the morning,” came the voice from the face of a half-Klingon on the screen. Teixeira immediately went to her inbox. She pulled up the video file. It was her mother.
“Hey, darling! How are you holding up? We noticed your ship is around the Solar system, and we’re wondering if you’d be able to come home for thanksgiving. I know you’re busy, and it’s not exactly protocol, but it’s just a thought.”
Teixeira shook her head, smiling. It’s the thought that counted, she supposed.
“Nikky just had her baby, but she’s still in the hospital. Once she’s ready, we’ll send you a pic. She’s gorgeous! Just like her mama.”
Teixeira laughed, kind of excited with a sudden urge to be back home.
“Also, you’re grandfather is in the hospital. It’s pretty serious. He’s not doing so well. We’re also hoping you’d come home to see him. I know he‘s kind of cranky man, but-”
Teixeira unfolded her arms and closed the screen. She stood there for a moment, before starting a video message. She cleared her throat and adjusted her bangs which hung loose and low over her eyes. She pressed the red circle to start recording.
“Hey Mom. It’s nice to hear from you. I miss you, and everyone. Tell Nikky I wanna see that baby on camera, not a picture! Also, I don’t think we’ll be swinging by the solar system around that time, so I can’t make any promises that I’ll be home for thanksgiving. You know that’s a real completive time for the other ships to make shore leave on Earth. As for Grandpa….um, I’ll try. But you know, I can’t say when. I’ll asked the Captain. Lord knows, I’ve built up enough time off to go, but you know this ship. It can’t survive without me,” Teixeira stated, grinning towards the last bit. “See you later Mom. Love you.”
Teixeira pressed the red circle again, replayed the message, then sent it to Cannito with an attachment.
“Send this back to Earth as soon as you’ve got time. Thanks.”
With one long and exaggerated sigh, Roads dropped the PADD on the table. She leaned back in the chair and looked to her left, her first officer, the pale green, half-Orion with red hair in a blue science uniform.
“Well, that’s two down. How many more to go?” asked the Captain. The Orion browsed a list on her clipboard.
“That’s it, actually. Now we’re to wait until our next mission,” replied the first officer, scrolling through documents.
“Oh thank God.”
“I know.”
Roads turned in her chair, swiveling around. “I suppose we return to our default mission which is to roam and keep the peace?” Blair looked up from her documents.
“Have a better idea?” asked the orion. Roads shrugged.
“Not really, no, and I think the crew have been looking for some kind of routine after the past couple of missions which have all been rather like rollercoaster rides.”
“True. If we head toward the-”
The sound of a chirping went off on the PADD Blair was holding, and both Roads and Blair’s faces lit up with interest. Blair opened the new message, and she made a noise of displeasure.
“What, what is it?” asked Roads, now extremely concerned. Blair looked up at Roads with a hurt expression, the guilty look of a person burdened with bad news.
“We’ve been asked to attend a The Kardassian Pacifist Banquet,” Blair informed Roads. Road’s worried furrowed brows lifted into complete horror. Blair answered for her speechless Captain. “I know.”
Roads spoke in a strained voice. “Is it formal?”
Blair answered, “Yes.”
“Panty hose formal?”
“More than likely.”
“How long?”
“A couple of hours. They’re also asking for enhanced security surveillance and your place at the Kardassian ambassador’s table.”
“I know.”
Roads found herself pinching the hose on her shin and dragging it up to giver her legs a more opaque view. She remembered that she was being watched and quit adjusting her nylons. She looked up as she suddenly remembered she was to be a part of light conversation, right now with the Ambassador of the N’tuala, a rather rambling alien from the northern quadarant of the current system they were in.
Hood, Michie, and a team of men were keeping tabs on surveillance of the area, which they reported into her ear was very dull and eventless. Nothing was moving in miles of the area, making the security team feel purposeless.
“Man, Eliot was making spagettii tonight, did you know that?” asked a female voice over the com in Roads’ ear.
“Do you have some kind of couple calendar with my little brother? Like is it spagetti western night tonight?” asked Roads silently as she walked through the crowds of foreign diplomats stopping to pick an ouderve from a table of floating plates of them.
“No, just spagettii night,” lamented Michie over the line.
“Michie, stop hogging up the line with your spagetti crap!” barked Hood over the communicator into Roads ear. She yelped suddenly, shocking the two aliens next to her. She gave them an apologetic smile and quickly moved away.
“God, this party is bullllll….oh Lord Yqua, nice to meet you!” Roads began light conversation again when she suddenly turned to see a familiar alien. A cover smile grew on her lips to feign interest. All through out the banter Roads was counting down the seconds until she could leave. Her pantyhose was not staying up. Her formal Starfleet attire was flattering, but constraining, and the heels were killing her feet. The fear of falling flat on her face frightened her with every step she took in them.
A calm voice came over the crowd informing everyone to take their seats as soon as possible for the banquet to begin. Roads moved to take her seat over at the table in the front, at the very end. The leader of the ceremony went to podium and began speaking. Just as he started speaking, Road’s communicator from her bra began chirping. Roads froze, as every eye turned to look at her curiously or menacingly. She smiled apologetically again and whipped it out of from the collar of her uniform. She bent behind the table and answered it.
“Roads here. Aren’t we using the ear thingies, what happened to-”
“Do you want to get off probation?”
The voice was hushed, quiet, deep and masculine. Roads knew Admiral Pike’s voice when she heard it, but she had never heard it in such urgency that the sound of it made the noise around her seem quiet.
“Sir?” she answered quietly.
“Drop what you’re doing immediately head to coordinates 30695. Sector 5,” he ordered her.
“Sir, you asked me to be here! If I were to leave now-”
“I said drop what you’re doing and leave NOW!” he ordered over the phone, and Roads no sooner, closed the communicator and jumped out of her seat.
“I’m sorry, but an incident has occurred, it has been an honor to represent the United Federation of Planets. I must retire now as I am afflicted with human illness, excuse me!” Roads bolted down the stair and marched hurriedly toward the nearest exit. No sooner did the doors close behind her was she joined by Starfleet personel.
“Captain?” asked the red shirt, confused.
“Gather the rest of the team, we’ve been called for an emergency,” Roads talked into her ear piece. “Hood! Michie! Get to the ship now! The native security can take it from here. We’ve been called elsewhere.”
When Roads was beamed back onto the ship she rushed toward the bridge. Once inside, she began taking off her academy coat.
“McQuarrie, did you set the coordinates I gave you?” asked Roads.
“Aye, Captain,” he replied.
“Excellent! Kissel, hit it!” ordered Roads as he slid into the chair in her black uniform. She felt the wave of energy as the catapulted into warp drive. When it had begun, CMO Leonard entered the bridge, quickly followed by Blair.
“What the hell are you doing, Roads? I have twenty messages of complaints from the Kardassians about your rude behavior at the banquet, and-” Blair was cut off by Leonard who jumped to Roads.
“We haven’t had shore leave in months! You can’t expect me to treat patients who are suffering from lack of rest-”
“Starfleet command ordered me to leave the dinner, and we‘ve been ignored for shore leave. If you have problems with us going on a little detour, then I suggest you file complaints after our current mission at hand,” ordered Captain Roads.
“Captain, ten minutes until we arrive,” relayed McQuarrie from his post. “What should I inform the crew in order to prepare?”
“We don’t know what our missions is yet, but it’s safe to say it is bound to be a thrill ride.Yellow alert, everyone is to be aware. Cannito, alert weapons, ready photons. Leonard, prepare medical bay for receiving of multiple victims. Blair stay on the bridge, I’ll need you,” ordered Roads. Leonard left the bridge, and McQuarrie prepared a screen to inform the crew. As he spoke into the camera, Blair leaned over to Roads.
“Pike offered me a leave from Probation,” explained Roads.
“Pike?!” Blair exclaimed, stunned, but still quiet.
“My communicator went off at the dinner table, I answered it, and it was Pike. He told me to show up at these specific coordinates and then he yelled at me,” explained Roads. “Okay, maybe not yelled, but he spoke louder than usual.”
“You’re on probation?!” demanded a stunned Blair. Roads shrugged, rubbing her bottom lip with her thumb.
“Five minutes, Captain,” prepared McQuarrie. But before Roads could even nod in acknowledgement, the ship shook with coming to a stop.
“Captain, it appears something is disabling our warp drive!” exclaimed Kissel as the ship gave one last tremble as it lurched to a stop. Blair grabbed the arm of the chair as Roads braced on both sides.
“Visual!” Roads ordered immediately, and the number of screens moved to the side as the glass filled with the image of something incredibly different than Roads had expected.
There, floating in space was a Starfleet‘s flagship. It floated in limbo, surrounded by a fleet, a fucking fleet, of Klingon war birds and one massive Klingon mother ship. The ships were circled around the enterprise like a predator, watching in fascination as it turned, the blue lights in its back engines flickering on and off. A large black spot on its left side indicate shield may be a little less than twenty percent, and as any indicator from the helpless turning of its form, its power fuel was incredibly low.
Indeed, the Enterprise seemed to be in deep shit.
“Fucking hell!” blurted out one of the members on the bridge, his British accent ringing in Road’s ears. She turned to look at him, and he jumped. “Sorry Captain.”
“Release the dampeners, Eddie,” she ordered him. She turned to the helmsman. “Kissel, stop all drive activity, leave thrusters at half. McQuarrie, coordinates accurate?”
“Aye, Captain, we’ve reached our destination,” confirmed the dirty blonde navigator.
“Konei,” began Roads, but Konei was ahead of the game.
“Seven klingon war birds, Captain and one Klingon mothership. The Starfleet ship in question appears to be the flagship, NCC 17 ENTERPRISE,” informed Konei. “If we react now, we may be able to achieve the element of surprise but a plan to attack then escape along with the Enterprise has a 0.9% chance of success.”
Roads looked to Blair last. Her pale green friend was studying the scene with narrowed eyes and folded arms. She seemed to be in such deep thought that Roads didn‘t think she should recall her to the surface.
“You said Pike called you?” asked Blair suddenly. Roads glanced sideways at her friend then back at the screen. She ran a hand through her hair, a strange habit.
“Cannito. Find the Klingon mother ship subspace frequencies,” Roads began, “and hail them.”
A few minutes later, the harsh face of a Klingon appeared on screen, but Roads was the first to begin.
“Hello!” she began, rather brightly. This reaction did not make his face any less severe. Since he did not reply immediately, Roads continued. “You are operating in Starfleet federation sector 5. Any hostile activity is strictly prohibited in this area according acting sector laws 1975.6.”
The Klingon reacted normally. “We of the Klingon Empire do not recognize the laws of the Federation, nor do we recognize you, and if you wish to live, you will abandon your train of thought now before I blow you and your crummy boat out of the sky.”
Roads gave a small huff, as one would give when dealing with a petulant child, but inside her heart beat faster.
“According to the federations laws, any hostile attack on federation ship constitutes as an act of war between said ship or representation of government and the United Planets Federation. If you wish to proceed this course of action, I will be forced,” Roads explained, “to call Ambassador Hailif.”
The Klingon didn’t show any sign of fear, but neither was Roads, although the beat in her heart grew louder. She could possibly hear every beating heart on the bridge, synchronizing with hers to form some kind of old tune of Queen.
“I’m sure Ambassador Hailif will be pleased to discover you have constituted an act of war on the Federation without any consent or approval from him or the military at first. I am well aware that the chain of command is not important at all to your Empire,” finished Roads with much sarcasm.
“Tell me, having never been in a Klingon prison hold before,” Roads spoke seriously, “what is the likely-hood that they’ll flail you alive for having disrespected direct orders, disregarding all forms of honorable war, and bringing horrible, irrevocable dishonor for placing the most ill-advised, frankly stupid move in the history of Klingon?”
As the Klingon paused to reply and Roads waited for his response, she observed what she could from the situation on his side of the communication. From the screen in the background, she could see a man flat on the ground dressed in strange garments, several sharp weapons pointed to his back. Another man with pointy ears and dark hair was being held by both arms to his knees on the ground next to the other one. She was careful not to show her insecurity.
The next few seconds were painfully slow, and his reactions were as useless to read as a dead language. She stared him down, nontheless, until finally, his rough Klingon voice came in through the frequency.
“What is your name, human?” asked the Klingon. Roads didn’t breathe. “I would like Captain Kirk to know the name of the frail creature who saved his wormy life from a inglorious ending.”
Roads would’ve exhaled a sigh of relief if she hadn’t felt still within the bite of death.
“Watson,” was her reply. The Klingon nodded.
“We will meet again,” threatened the Klingon, and then he cut the communications. Once they were cut, Roads turned to Cannito.
“Hail the enterprise immediately, if it’s possible! Notify them of our presence and direct orders not to move until all ships are gone from the area,” Roads ordered Cannito, and she was quick to fill these plans. They watched with bated breath as one by one the warbirds began to turn away and disassemble their nest. Their forms glowed as each one went into warp drive away from the scene. When the mothership finally jumped into warp away from them, Roads finally gave a sigh of relief, as short one.
“Okay, Kissel, sweep in close to the Enterprise,” spoke up Roads. Blair turned to Roads with a soft smile, generally surprised but not to be insulting.
“That was actually pretty smart,” offered the pale green officer.
Roads smirked eyes twinkling. “’We‘ll meet again!’ what a classic villainy line! Next thing you know, ‘You‘ll pay for this Captain Planet!’” Roads grinned as she crossed her legs, adjusting herself. “Anyway, we should assess the state of the federation’s prize ship and crew, make repairs, and if necessary tow the ship to an accessible space dock. McQuarrie, nearest space dock?”
“About two light years from us,” answered the navigator. Road’s eyebrows rose significantly. Blair shifted her weight with the news and cleared her throat.
“We need Teixeira to draw up towing plans. I’ll go talk to her,” Blair explained and was just about to leave the bridge when Cannito piped up.
“Captain, we’re being hailed directly from the Enterprise,” spoke the half-Klingon as she looked up at Roads. The Captain stared at her, then ran a hand through her hair, brushing black locks aside over her almond eyes. She turned in her chair, placing her hands on either arm.
“Well,” Roads began with much thought, “put them on screen.”
A second or two later, as Cannito wired it to the main screen, an image loaded of a familiar looking bridge, one that was similar to theirs, possibly more equipped with more members, with better technology, but still glittering with lights and flares, a stark white and chrome color scheme. In the white landscape, blue, red, and yellow members all around were sitting and operating the advanced computers and machinery. Sitting in the center of it all was the man from the enemy screen previous, dressed in the torn foreign garments, and so was his companion, also dressed in strange clothes, sitting on the far left. The man in the center had short blonde hair, bit of a widows peak, and looked to be tired and beat up. She wasn’t expecting Earth’s heroes to look like this, although she wasn’t really sure what to expect. She knew the crew had gotten a lot of press both in gallantry and in looks. This moment was both exciting and frightening at the same time, to be hailed by the legendary Enterprise crew.
“This is Captain James T. Kirk of the Starship USS Enterprise,” came a voice clear and young, masculine and arrogant. “I wish to speak to Captain Watson.”
It hadn’t been the first time, and Roads doubted it would be the last. She refrained from lifting her forefinger and pointing to herself pretty blatantly, and considering the situation, she refrained from using the other finger. Instead, she uncrossed her legs and raised her eyebrows in interest. In the few seconds it took her to reply, she could hear Cannito snickering quietly to herself. She could sense Blair was a little peeved, because she could hear her footsteps growing closer and her weight lean against the chair. She could even feel Konei glancing away from the screen, assuming the captain would take care of this situation as always.
“This is Captain Catherine J. Watson of the Starship U.S.S. Elyssa. State the order of your business,” she said simply, her voice cool and confident.
….And this was the good part, when the other guy realized he missed it completely, that it was right in front of him the whole time, caught by surprise, and this woman who wore panties, and oh okay, yeah sure, there they were, right between her legs under the nylon, was really the Captain of this ship which was to be expected because there were other female Captains, but for some reason, with a last name like Watson, and the size of the ship, he expected a penis under that skirt.
For some bizarre reason, after a bizarre situation he had been caught in, he was not expecting the even more unusual.
The Captain, James T. Kirk, opened his mouth, his eyes darting to her legs, then closed his mouth, then crossed his legs instinctually, and began again.
“Thank you for your immediate assistance back there,” spoke Kirk. He glanced to the side and received a hard look from his companion. He addressed Roads again through the screen. “But we are fully capable of taking over from here. Your further assistance is not necessary. Thank you for all you’ve done. Kirk, out.”
And with that short message, the blonde haired man cut the transmission. The stunned and confused Roads turned around slowly to give Blair a bizarre look who returned it with wide sheepish eyes. A second later, a sound came from the arm of her chair. It was a private message from Starfleet Command.
PIKE 22:23PM Don’t leave them alone. That’s a direct order.
Roads frowned, furrowing her brows, then sighed before pointing to Cannito.
“Hail the Enterprise.”
Jim Kirk’s face appeared on the screen again, but Roads spoke first.
“Captain, Starfleet Command has ordered me to assist you, in any way necessary.”
“We understand, but we feel that your presence could be more useful elsewhere-”
“Mr. Kirk, I’m afraid I’m going to have to insist that we at least take a survey of your damages before removing ourselves from the area, at least for records. If we happen to find that you lack the sufficient tools and resources to make repairs to your ship and tend to the wounded of your crew, then we’ll be available for assistance. If it appears we are not needed, we’ll go. I’m assembling a team from my crew to survey the damage. Prepare to be boarded, this conversation is to be continued in your council room.”
The blonde haired man opened his mouth to reply, but Roads motioned for the communication to be cut before he could protest. The now smiling Captain of the Elyssa turned in her chair to her crew. Cannito, without a moment to lose, spoke out of turn.
“You’re going to meet with that arrogant ass?” asked the Communications Officer, her brows pushing together.
“Don’t act so jealous, Lieutenant,” quipped Roads, with a toothy smile. “Yes, and so is Blair, Konei, and Teixeira.”
Immediately, Konei looked up, perplexed. An emotion was peaking through her hard Vulcan exterior. Blair wasn’t nearly as surprised as she went to her station to retrieve her equipment, but Konei stood up.
“Captain?” asked the youngest member of their crew.
“Let’s go, Konei. Before they decide their warp drive is capable of activating after all,” Roads said as she stood up. She picked her coat as Konei grabbed her tricorder, and the three of them headed toward the exit. She paused to touch the nearest computing locator.
“Wifey, this is Catherine. Bring a red shirt and meet me in the transporter room.”
In a few moments, the curly haired brunette was joined by the diverse team as they entered the transporter room. Texiera was happy to see Roads but naturally suspicious of what she had in mind.
“You know I’m half-Brazillian,” she immediately said when she saw her. Roads stared at her then lit up.
“Oh yeah, sorry about that. I couldn’t remember for the life of me,” admitted Roads as she made her way to beaming pad.
“Mind telling me why you asked?”
“No reason. Listen, we’re boarding the Enterprise to get a survey of the damage and see if they really need us around to help. I want you and Konei to go over everything, and I mean everything. Once you can determine the condition of the ship, report back to me,” informed Roads. “Can do?“
“Well yeaaaah,” said Teixeira, rolling her eyes a she took the PADD sitting on the beaming control panel. While the rest of the team assumed positions on the pad, the engineer Teixeira brought along made calculations to beam the party.
“Alright, we’re receiving a signal from their pad, apparently they want you there. Ready?” asked the officer.
“Energize,” ordered Texeira.
Part 2