i'm back in malaysia, yes i am. now that i'm here all of that i remember from the trip overseas seems a whole lot like a dream. especially since i don't have pictures from the camera to prove that i was really there other than the ones posted, and the video camera and tapes are at home, while i'm back in MMU.
something odd happened when i came back to MMU on saturday night: i turned superly hyper for about an hour, talking like a mad woman.. well at least over YM, since there wasn't anyone around physically. my theory is that i spent too long with people from home, or at least with those that i've never really exposed my occasional insane quirks, and so when i return to MMU, all the tension as a result of refraining from acts that may reflect mental unstability was totally released at once.
well that's a theory. but it sure is a relief to be back in my hostel room. yes i have a roommate whom i do not really tegur "hi", much less talk about ourselves or the weather. but i believe we have mutual neutral feelings towards each other, it's not a bad roommate relationship, but a rather.. a mutual non existing emotional roommate relationship.
oh yes and i'm suffering a bad case of jetlag/ there's an 8-hour difference between manchester time and malaysia. on saturday, i only slept from 6am to 10am, and a half hour nap at noon. on sunday, i slept from 11 am to 2 pm(3 hours). that night, i slept from 6.15isham to 8.15am. but i got 2 hour nap just now, from 5ishpm to 7ishpm. the nap is bad because it means i won't be able to sleep tonight, prolly until 8-9 am.
i'm happy if this rather lack and irregular pattern of sleep doesn't bother with my health, especially on those all nighters. but i doubt so. and now that 3rd sem has started, we have a lot of all-day classes. the last time i got jetlagged when i came back from manchester last year's april, took me 2-3 weeks to revert back to normal. but i could adjust pretty easily when i went there instead. i guess i'm much more used to sleeping later than i should, rather than sleeping earlier than i should.
oh yea apparently some of my schoolmates thought that i quit mmu and that i moved to study at TheOneAcademy. it's understandable that with one week of disappearance they might think i stopped MMU, but it's rather odd about the theoneacademy part. it's so precise, selamba-ly konfiden je. XD aha.
uhoh i just came back from mamaking with the whole bunch. and yes the complete bunch, cos ISMAIL showed up. the lucky bastard who got a romanian scholarship to study in a 100 year old prestigious film school there. gahha. em who was sick also met up with us at streetmall. a reunion, woohoo! so it was ismail, em, lina, praveen, ben and calvin. its been a while. =) though ismail is leaving after 6 days in MMU. darneth. =/
apparently ismail talked to his parents about me wanting to study art overseas in a more proper art school, but lacking support from family. he told me that his dad is ready to talk to my father about it. @_@ like whoa. and that his mom wants to pay for a painting by me. i wonder if i'll have enough time to make one before ismail leaves. =<
other than that, not much to say i guess, just that i got mr ramlan as mdf lecturer for the 2nd time. yayness! =D
i just realised that after this sem, specifically, june onwards, we're no longer alpha students. we're BETA. like. whoa. i thought BETAs was like whoa. it's the same thing when we were all in high school. in form 1, we look at form 2 students as super seniors who knows everything and way up there. in form 3, form 4s and form5s are like WHOA.
but when you get there, being a form5, you realise that there's really not much of a difference. there's nothing to be boastful about being a year or two senior, other than perhaps maybe puberty at certain stages, and perhaps wrinkle lines, and you facing the fact that the world is hopeless.
well at least it's that way to me. cos i know that in the end of the year i may turn 19, but i still feel like a 13 year old inside. =)
of course certain corruptions has made its way into myself, but hey, in this day and age, uncorrupted 13 year olds are rare anyways.
uhoh, as a tribute to valentine's day, (totally coincidental, i just got inspired to draw perhaps valentine's related things, though it could have been drawn at any time of the year)
love's law
her law of love.
the love grows and gets heavier
at a point, it will snap
and love falls, crushing hard on the ground.
the heavier the love, the harder the blow.
nonetheless she knows that love will never stop growing
that is, until it crushes into pieces.
blind love
not much description, the title's pretty clear i think. =)
i like the 2nd one better. i like the concept of the 1st, but i think it could've been carried out much better. don't have the skill yet. =)