Well, well. You scored a whopping 199 points.
Awesome. You have what it takes to maybe, just maybe survive the horrific future in store for all mankind. You're probably not going to shoot yourself in the face, and you're not likely going to go running off alone into the unexplored areas. Try not to drop the flashlight, and you may see the sunrise.
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 44% on ZombiePoints
The Zombie Awareness Test written by
johndoe137 on
Ok Cupid Zombie Curious
Zombiefying!! You scored 35!
Maybe you know them but not as well as you'd hope. You'd probablly make it for most of the movie only to die because you trip over something and saw your own head off.
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 66% on Zombiepoints
The Zombie Test written by
samuraikitten on
Ok Cupid Covert Operations
You have a 76% chance of surviving, your partners have a 80% survival rate, your weight distribution success was 19%, and you took out 49% of the zombies
Well you and your team made it out alive, but you didn't kill too many zombies in the process. Why did you grab all that ammo and supplies then? Hey you made it out alive though. That's all that matters right? Congratulations on a mission accomplished, try killing some more zombies next time though.
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 53% on YourSurvival
You scored higher than 53% on PartnerSurvival
You scored higher than 6% on EquipmentWeight
You scored higher than 33% on ZombieBodyCount
The Improved Zombie Survival Test written by
CptObvious85 on
Ok Cupid Soldier
You scored 56 Background, 73 Preparation, 72 Surival, and 67 Aggression!
I'm impressed, you may know nothing about zombies, but you will survive and help reclaim the world.
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 0% on Background
You scored higher than 44% on Preparation
You scored higher than 11% on Surival
You scored higher than 44% on Aggression
The Zombie Survival Test written by
ledeir on
OkCupid Free Online Dating