Aug 31, 2006 12:50
so classes started and i didnt realize untill the day before, yes go alyssa. luckily im taking the classes online so i could "attend" class. so i go to lansing to get my books and my teacher hadnt reported one of the books to thebookstore yet and yet our first assignment uses taht book. so im mad because i already went all the way down there and spent all my money on my other bills because i thought i was good for now. but no. gay, not sure what im gong to do.
so not only do i not have that book, but check out what the assignment is. i have to write an essay on whatever chapter in the book. THEN i have to submit my rough draft to my classmates. then i have to read ALL of my classmates roughdrafts, and fill out this edditing sheet for each of them. then turn in my final draft, all those editing sheets, AND write ANOTHER essay ABOUT MY ESSAY!!! what the hell????
my other class is cool though, i jsut read a bunch of kids books. the first book we are reading is ahrry potter and the sourcers stone! ha!
i am super extied about singing again though. im in this kinda carbet fundraiser thing, jsut like old times. down side it im already cut from a bunch of scenes i was suposed to be in because my work scedule keeps getting fucked up and i didnt have this or next tuesday off so he jsut cut me. But ive still had thursdays and i will go on thursdays no exceptions. im already sad i got cut i dont wanna get cut more. so whatev, f tuesday i guess, i have thursday. i think the week of the show is sep. 15th. we have a ton of rehersals that week, like, that tuesday thursday and friday i have to take off of work, but i think its worth it. doing shows like this was my life and i miss it so. i know theres a rehersal on that wednes day too but im not sure i have to be at taht one. dont think i do, but ill triple check in time.
so yea, thats exciting!
dane is sick hes a big baby when hes sick. hes getting me sick. im a big baby when im sick too. i cant imageine the both of us sick together