got this from robyn but i agree with it 100% and feel the same way anout everything

Jul 25, 2005 00:08

With the word teenager comes alot of lables. trouble maker.. druggie.. immature.. reble.. etc. there`s not much we can do to stop these lables. parents swear that they`ve seen everything we have.. but if you really look at a teenager`s life.. it`s not as simple as the adults think it is. i have seen pretty much every drug you could think of.. and the result of it.. i`ve been sexually assualted and abused emotionally and physically. i`ve had one of my best friends commit suicide.. i`ve had an eating disorder and i`ve done drugs. but somehow i`ve overcome all of that and grown into a respectable teenager. i`ve become stronger from it and now i get good grades and have many many relationships.. friends.. boyfriends... N0RMAL relationships. i`ve made mistakes and learned from them.. if that makes me a "bad person".. so be it. use me as a bad example.. i don`t care! i am who i am. and that`s just me. there are millions of teens out there who are worse off than me but somehow still manage to get up every morning.. put on a fake smile.. and walk through the halls of our terrifying high school. my mom doesn`t even know what heroine looks like.. didn`t have sex till she was 19 and didn`t drink until she was 21. now tell me our parents have seen everything we have. times certainly have changed since they were in "our shoes". and we`ll never be understood..
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