Demon's Souls

Oct 18, 2009 10:59

Haha, so Brian has been playing Demon's Souls on the PS3. The graphics are amazing, and it's really fun to watch him go through all the levels. The enemies are scary, and the boss battles are creative. He plays as this guy he made... that oddly looks like Hayate from DoA. I really wanted to make a good looking chick in the game though, so he let me~ ♥ It's one of those games you can edit everything about the face, etc (Ex: PSHome), but she still turned out a little weird /sad. Also, for some reason Brian's character looks hot with all his clothes off, but the girl just looks like she's wearing a granny sports bra and a pair of biking shorts... So ugly! Anyway, I made her Royalty class so that's the outfit she's wearing ♥

She's so not hot in phantom mode... and her chest is small. Maybe I should have picked Westerner instead of Easterner?

This lost soul is checking out her butt.

He's also checking out her upper goods...

And then I can't tell if this guy is looking up or down...

*laugh* I'm so immature. Oh well. That's what keeps me young!!


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