Mar 18, 2004 21:20
my brother is coming down this weekend....with the civic for me!!!!! yay! it will only cost me about $1,500 to $1,600. i will miss the geo, as crappy as it is. i am so happy!
today was awesome, i played cards all day...its all about pasoy (sp?), egyptian ratscrew, gin, and b.s. it wsas much better than english or history. but jackson/misel/jellander were being retarded with all the "I'm so proud to be with this school, you handled the crisis so well..." what fuckin crisis?! we got to school, that was the hard part. no crisis. no one was in danger. it should have been treated like a normal day cept for the absence of teachers =O). oh and mr jackson saying "teachers: when the bell rings send all your students to nutrition. after nutrition please report to your 4th period class" well, no fuckin shit! thats what we always do. they always make everything in to some huge dramatic crisis...