Title- In Love With You
Chapter- 16
Pairing- Jo/Blair
Setting- 1983 (Season 5)
Story Status- Finished
Disclaimer- I do NOT own anything. I'm just simply writing a story here.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jo asked Blair as they stood in front of the entrance of the main hall at the Langley, "news spreads fast around herem" Jo warned, "if we do this, there's no turning back."
"That just fine with me," Blair smiled.
"What about your mother?" Jo wanted to make sure Blair really meant it.
"I'll take care of her," Blair promised, "I've already spoken to Daddy, and he's behind me on-hundred percent."
With that said, both girls went down the hall hand in hand. Everybody stopped and stared, whispering to one another. Blair just smiled, tightening her grip on Jo's hand. As they walked down the hall to Blair's first class, people followed. Once they got there, Blair turned to face Jo. "See you after class," Blair said.
Both girls stood there for a few seconds. Then, placing her arms around Jo's neck, she kissed Jo good-bye.
That night, as Blair lay in bed back in the girls' room, Blair's dream started where it left off. Jo and Blair were huddled together in the cave while the rain came down. Suddenly, fear no longer had any power and Blair got up. Dragging Jo with her, Blair stepped out of the cave. Blair held her hands up and smiled as the rain poured down on her. She felt free and invincible. Though there was no music, Blair grabbed Jo and the two of them danced close together in the rain. After spinning her around, Jo grabbed Blair by the waist. Jo tightened her grip Blair, and kissed her. Closing her eyes and putting her arms around Jo's neck, Blair enjoyed the kiss. With that kiss, they were telling the world that they were no longer afraid of them. Blair woke up with a smile on her face. She looked over to discover Jo looking back at her. "I love you," Jo whispered.
"I love you, too," Blair whispered back.
Blair felt another Ping! of excitement.
Previous Chapter) (THE END)