Here I am again...completely distracted. I have a million things that need to be finished by thursday and as much as i complain that there's not enough hours in the day, i can only blame myself (and the internet). sometimes i feel like i waste more time if i have more time to waste (if that makes sense). so i got a second job - for money reasons but also to force myself to time manage and stay busy. i can't afford to let my brain sit still or else it will only retreat. i must keep a forward look and continue trudging along.
i realized that i'm pretty into silversun pickups. the new single is way catchy. i guess i never gave them a chance because i was too snooty to listen to a band that was played on the radio. a bit ridiculous but i know all of you can admit to this at one time or another. i can't stop finding new music. i need it now more than ever. so if anyone has any suggestions, please send them my way.
i also have too many addictions. there are some things i just don't allow myself to get into because i know i will fully dive into it - (ie, vinyl toys, tv series, cosmetics..)
and i really love food. this was my lunch. you don't even know what to do with this picture huh?
ok, back to the drawing board.