Aug 28, 2008 21:56
So I turned 26 today, and I don't feel any different (am I s'posed to?). I've spent the day at home taking care of my dad (as per usual), and it really didn't bother me. To be truthful, I'm kind of just glad to be able to spend my birthday with him because last December there was a point when I didn't even know if I'd be able to spend even one more day with him. Not to sound too cheesy, but the most rewarding gift that I received today was being able to have him here, even if all we're doing is dickin' around watchin' old pro-wrestling videos and TV together. After all, there will be other birthdays just as there will be other moments in the future to celebrate.
To everyone that has wished me a happy birthday today (or in the last few days), I cannot sincerely thank you all enough! Just knowing that I've got the support of many is enough to keep me motivated on my path towards self-discipline and righteousness. So thank you, everybody, for putting just one more smile on my face on a day that would otherwise have been just like any other day! ^_^v