Nov 08, 2003 23:27
I have to do an Interaction Analysis paper with this partner for my language analysis class. The teacher asked us to find out our own partner first. If we didn't have a partner, he would group us together. I was too lazy to go and ask people. And when it was the time to calculate the people who didn't have a partner, I found that I was stuck with this woman, who is so obnoxious that no one wanted to team up with her.
Things were fine at first. She recorded four conversations all together even though we only need to transcribe 3 minutes out of one 30 minute conversation, way earlier than other people.
Then, we started to do the transcription. It wasn't hard, because it's only three minutes.
Then, we had to write an analysis... here comes the problem.
She is very intense, very nervous. She wanted us to finish it early. She sent me tons of emails and telling me that how important this paper is to her. it's 30% of our grade. She told me that she want an A. She told me that she didn't do well in the mid term. She told me that she hired a tutor who is going to go over our paper five days before our actual due date. And she would pay the tutor $25 per hour.
I was annoyed because she interrupted with my rhythm. She didn't ask me if I agree to have a paid tutor to go over our paper. Anyway, we divided the parts that we were going to write about. I couldn't finish it on time, five days ahead of the due date, no way. And she didn't finish her part either. so we put off the date two days.
we met the tutor last Friday at 12:30pm. There was some misunderstanding between her and the tutor. So she got very excited, and she was very aggressive and very wordy, talking about how busy she was and asked the tutor what kind of service she actually offer.....
The tutor was actually an instructor for the EAPP (English for Academic and Professional Porgram). She was insulted. She stood up and told my partner that she was being very aggress and she was offfended and she refused to do the tutoring...and then she left.
So my partner started to complain to me....
Also, becasue I still have one small part not finished prior to the meeting with the tutor (even though I worked till 3:00am to finsih other parts and email it to her), she wrote me an email saying that " Please lan for the paper to be finished by Sunday noon. I will be very tense and frustrated if Monday I have to do anything major fo rthe paper. After, I am finished with the paper completely. I read it a few times to catch mistakes. I am very busy at work. It's very difficult for me to get away. It effects my job. I should not allow my school work to interfere iwth my job." Even funnier, she printed out the email and brought it to our meeting and asked me if I have read the email and aske me to read it again in front of her.
Well, i felt things were all right till one hour ago. It's Saturday night 11:45pm. She sent me the last revised version. She revised what I wrote, which was cool. And I actually see that she did a good job in some parts. But when I read her part, I felt headache. I already told her my opinion about her part before, but it didn't improve. It was still very confusing and I even didn't know how to revise her part. And I really don't want to spend more time on this paper. I felt like oh well, let's just get a B. I don't really care. Even though I think I should get an A because I got an A for my midterm and all my homework were A. And the part that I wrote for our paper is a very clear analysis about the data.
She is a Farsi teacher from the Defense Language Institute. when i talked about her with another DLI teacher in a different department, he told me that he refused to team up with her at the beginning of the project. And he told me that when another Farsi teacher there talked about her, the teacher would always say: "Oh, I just want to kill her."
Now I understood why.... Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr