Jan 17, 2005 00:37
Hmm... well I haven't seen any porn since the summer (thankfully) but yea at Brad's we watched Pornacopia lol. And then... more porn elsewhere! I'll get into that later... Today wasnt really that great actually. I woke up in a bad mood and it just stayed that way ALL day and ALL night. But yea I'll re-cap my whole weekend. Friday was a half day. I was gonna go ice skating but that wasnt open yet. But yea I went to the mall and then to see White Noise with Jay. That was a pretty bad movie. I mean, I expected a lot better. Oh well. Then I had work soooo I worked. Instead of going on break, I left a half hour early so that was quite nice =) So then on Saturday, I woke up kind of late and ate breakfast and fell back asleep for a bit. Then I had to get ready for work and then came work! Woo... We got yet another Moore girl working there. She was pretty nice. I couldn't go to Maxine's party cuz of work AND I couldn't go to my sister's birthday dinner too but I was at her original birthday dinner on her actual birthday. Then today I woke up and was in a bad mood. Got into a good mood but then got into a shitty mood again because my mom was being an evil whore. Then I was ok when I went to Jay's house today. Then that good mood was over before it even started. We went to the mall and I bought a wallet and a gift for Max. Then we hung out with Brad and Andrew and a bunch of other people who I didnt know. We watched SLC Punk. Then we went to Mike S's house and I was probably happiest there than I was all day. We watched a funny asian movie about kung fu soccer lol. I love driving the audi cuz I got home tonite in 9 minutes. I'm sick of having to come in at 12:30. Like I dont think thats fair at all. I can't wait til next school year cuz I hate these ridiculous prison-like rules. I got into a huge fight with my mom this morning cuz like, I never have fridays and saturdays anymore and for the VERY few weekends that I have free, I'de like a later curfew. For some reason, my parents find it more likely that I would drink, do drugs, and have sex after 12:30 lol. First off, i'm a good kid and they know that therefore... what the fuck? Like and I understand having a curfew when my parents had to pick me up all the time, but I FUCKING DRIVE. god its so damn annoying. i hate being controlled, but like, who doesnt hate that? And I dont understand why EVERYONE i fucking know puts so much fucking pressure on me to do certain things or be a certain way. whatever. bye