Jun 08, 2008 16:53
My skin is so itchy right now cause it's all flaking off. the pieces that fall off are crispy. it's gross, but medical oddity gross so i can't help but be fascinated by it at the same time.
My new obsession as a result of this: baby lotion!!! It smells SO good. Plus, it's really good for my skin. I'm left feeling smooth as a baby's rumpus. Mom's are so lucky to have baby lotion smells. I'm just going to use it from now on because it's formulated to be super absorbant and quick about it, but all the grown-up lotions are nothing like it. Don't know why I didn't think of it before.
My major downer news is that my sister's mother in law passed away in a motorcycle accident. The mother in law, Sheila, and her husband, Eddie, were members of a motorcycle touring club. They apparently had some accident where they went off a cliff in TN and they were both hurt, but Sheila didn't make it.
It's really sad because death is just sad. That family is really close and I know for my sister it was like the family she never had. Losing a family member is always painful, but it particularly hurts when it's the mother. To lose the life giver and teacher that would never fail you is ripping out a piece of you. I'm sure it's much harder for older folks who have had a lot of time to bond with their mother. Since I lost my mother when I was 5, I don't know much about the bond stuff, but I do know that there was a lot in my life when I could have really used a mother.
I guess that's why I'm so impressed with the mommies I see that are my friends. I think they are very awesome people 'cause I've never really seen a mommy at work. I don't know what it's like to spend a lot of time with my mom, or to learn from her or anything like that. If I did, it was so long ago that I just don't remember anymore. Maybe jealousy. To see the love and such.
I don't know,but my boss is going to be mad at me 'cause I'm finding lil flakes of skin everywhere. SO GROSS.....