- feeling sick
- enjoying my day off
- went bowling and arcading and pancake eating last night. yay.
- watching lock,stock,and 2 smoking barrels
- cuddling on the couch with the fluffy kitten (can't decide to name him Radley or Nugget)
- just watched dr. horrible and sang along.
- gonna do a bunch of surveys because my brain is crowded and buzzing and swimming in it's own gook.
seven deadly sins
Do you like anyone right now?: i guess he's okay
Have you ever had a valentine?: um...? i guess?
Ever been given a rose?: not romantically, but for performances and stuff
Do you like valentines day?: nah
You can kiss one famous person who is it?: kermit
You can kiss anyone in the world who is it?: kermit
Ever been out for a romantic meal?: mcdonalds?
What top were you wearing the last time you kissed someone?: power rangers
What was the last thing that you had to eat?: orange tic tacs
What goes well with bacon?: ice cream...crap i've been living with cyrus for too long
What's the best thing to dip into a chocolate fondue?: death
Your perfect sandwhich filling is?: huge fan of good ole turkey cheese mayo lettuce
Would you rather eat a beatle or a slug?: slug
What shape was your last birthday cake?: dinosaur actually
Whats the strangest thing you've eaten?: they eat a kind of fried grub in south africa...they're kinda spicy. like cool ranch doritoes.
Ever ate so much you were sick?: hahaha. yessss
Greed: ?
What was the last thing you purchased?: video games at the arcade last night
How much is your most expensive pair of shoes?: not sure. probably my good quality winter boots. but they were way on sale. less than %50 certainly.
Do you own so many clothes your wardrobe is bursting?: strangly yes. but just because i LOVE free boxes
Do you get a decent amount of wages/allowance?: meh. decent. but working for a non profit SUCKS
Have you ever done something wild for charity if so what?: i volunteer a lot but that's certainly not WILD
Do you own over a hundred DVD's?: no. but probably will soon now that i have a fast way to burn netflix movies
Do you own more than two pieces of expensive jewellry?: nope
Do you think that you live in a country that is too wealthy?: parts of it. but not spred evenly AT ALL
Sloth: love them. specially 3-toed
What's the latest you've woken up?: once when i was sick i slept for 23 hours straight. I woke up an hour before i went to bed and got VERY confused
How many films have you watched in a day?: several. i like movie marathons.
Do you enjoy sitting around in your pj's all day?: love it. pretty much what i've done today. with tons of kitten snuggles.
Would you say you were a lazy person?: not so much
Have you ever faked being ill so you could just stay in bed all day?: in high school certainly
Do you wear slippers?: occasionally
What is your most comfiest outfit?: footsie pjs. my penguin ones.
Ever fallen to sleep in someones arms?: every night
When was the last time you slammed the door?: not sure
Ever punched someone?: yup
Which celebrity would you most like to slap?: i don't really have a reason to slap a celebrity considering i don't so much KNOW them personally
Say a few angry words to someone you dislike:: okay
Who is the one person you most hate?: got a few. but mostly hate the memories i have of them. not so much THEM
Do you think you or somone else should have anger management classes?: not me so much. but i definately know a few people who could benefit
What's your pet peeve using instant messenger service?: passive agressive away messages
Ever disliked somone then eventually became best friends?: nope
Which person famous or not do you most admire?: dunno
Do you know if anyone has ever evnied you? If so who and why?: i doubt it
Do you admire people who are intelligent and beatiful?: depends how they act about it
Have you ever had the green eye'd syndrome?: ?
Which persons job do you envy?: playground designer
Ever envied the way somone dressed? If so who and why?: not really
Do you look up to your parents or look down on them?: think they're fantastic people, shitty parents
If you had to swap lives with anyone in the world who would it be?: not sure
Which person did you last recieve a compliment from?: dunno
Do you usually wear makeup?: rarely
How many mirrors do you have in your house?: one above the bathroom sink. it always swings open.
Do you take alot of pictures of yourself?: nope
When you walk past your reflection do you take a glance?: don't think so. but i think most people do subconsciously
How long does it take you to get ready in a morning?: 5-10 minutes
Do you dye your hair? If so what colours have you used in the past?: yes, but haven't in a while. usually shades of purple or red
Do you think your beatiful? (You probably are if you're on here ;)): why would a survey make you beautiful?
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BzoinkThe Unusual You
Just Random Stuff
What color is your bedspread?: green
Pick up the nearest book to you,turn to page 25 & read the first sentence.: too much work
How many candles are in the room you are in?: 2 i think on the bookshelf
What was your first word when you were a baby?: no clue
How old were you in 1996?: 10
How old will you be in 2016?: 30
How long until your birthday?: 9 months
How many siblings do you have?: 0
Are they older or younger than you?: both?
Are your grandparents still alive?: 3 out of 4
How many orange objects are there in the room you are in?: a bunch. i like orange
Have you ever run a stoplight?: don't drive
Do you have any children?: gah
How was your first kiss?: kissy?
Have you completed high school yet?: yup
Do you have any relatives in the military currently?: nope
Who got married at the last wedding you went to?: my parents kinda
What time did you get up today?: 8 ish
When was the last time you stayed up all night?: a while ago, lots of late nights in the last few months though
How long have you had a myspace, facebook, or whatever you use?: livejournal since maybe junior year highschool and facebook since freshman year college
Who was the last person of the opposite sex you hung out with?: cyrus. if he doesn't count than andy
Person of the same sex?: chris
What color are your eyes?: green mostly
Do you like them?: can't see them
Have you ever had braces?: not really. i have a wire glued to my teeth
Turn on your mp3, cd player, radio, etc. What song is playing?: way too much work
What was the last thing you drank?: sunkist cherry limeade
Are you better at math or art?: not sure. probalby art. but i'm decent at math
Science or History?: science
Who was your 4th grade teacher?: mrs. pratt
Who was your best friend in 7th grade?: dana
Where did you go to pre-school, if you went at all?: minuteman tech
Who was the last person to call you?: no idea. either my mom or chris
Did you smile in your driver's license picture?: meh
Do you have a job?: yup
What is your favorite smell?: sunny happy kitty
What's your favorite brand of gum?: not sure
Have you ever dated someone & then dated their sibling?: nope
Who was your crush in 5th grade?: doubt i had one
Who was your first bf/gf?: heh
What color is the shirt you are wearing?: white, red, and power rangers
What do you think of the 1980's?: i enjoyed them. did a lot of pooping
Have you ever dated someone more than 2 years older than you?: yup
How about 2 years younger?: don't think so. maybe
What brand of shampoo do you use?: whatever
How long is your hair?: shortish now. chin length
If you could change one thing about yourself physically, what would it be?: longer fingers
Is there a box of tissues in the room you are in right now?: doubt it
What time is it?: 5:52
Is their anything living (plant, animal, etc) in your room right now?: cyrus, roosevelt, and nugget/radley
What color are the walls in your kitchen?: weird
Have you ever had a car accident?: nope
Do you have any major plans for today?: nope
What kind of deoderant do you use?: haha
What color is your toothbrush?: green
Do you own a digital camera?: yup
How old is the cellphone you have right now?: new!!
What are your initials, using the last letter of each of your names?: AEN
Do you know anyone named Tyler?: yup
How about Reese?: yup
Diana?: yup
Shelby?: nope
Have you ever kissed someone who's name started with "C"?: lots and lots
How about "L"?: yes
"E"?: my mom?
"B"?: don't think so
Are both your parents still living?: yup
What was the last thing you cooked?: burritos in the microwave
How many times have you moved in your life?: major move with my parents just once. lots of little moves myself (south africa, school, lowell, summers, etc.)
Do you live within 20 miles of your birthplace?: i think we're just about 20 miles from there
Can you do a handstand?: for a little while
Is it after 11am?: no
What day is it?: monday i think?
What's the longest time you've ever spent on the phone?: not sure. less than an hour
How many pairs of brown shoes do you own?: none. well...some are really dirty
Are you on any prescribed medications?: indeed
What was the date 2 weeks ago from today?: beats me
If you aren't already married, do you expect to be married within 5 years?: umm...
How about 2 years?: eeek
How many funerals have you been to in your lifetime?: 4 or 5
Have you ever been far away from home on your birthday?: south africa for my 19th
Have you ever had a pet fish?: yup
Do you have any tattoos?: shortly
Would you ever or do you have a nose piercing?: thinking in a month or two.
If you only had 30 days to live, what would you do?: get a monkey
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Bzoink-Yet Another Survey Creation-
If money was no object, would you change your wardrobe?: nah
How do you/did you get to school?: walk
Have you ever been in trouble for something you honestly didn't do?: yes
Is the idea of having a secret admirer creepy or romantic?: funny
What was the last song you sung out loud?: all of dr. horrible
Have you ever had to have a pet put down?: yes
Were you excited to learn to drive, or scared?: panicked
What was the last book you read?: going through my comic collection
Did you enjoy it, or were you glad to be finished?: i love comics
Do you ever wonder what other people are thinking when they stare at you?: occasionally
Have you ever gone out of your way to get someone's attention?: probably
When was the last time you felt desperate?: always
When was the last time you felt incredibly tired?: few days ago
What candy cane flavor is your favorite?: there are flavors?
What is one thing a guy can do, but a woman shouldn't?: um???
In your opinion, who doesn't deserve to be famous?: "deserve" is a strange word to choose
Do you get angry when fast food restaurants mess up your order?: no
Have you ever had a ridiculous hair cut?: i shaved my head
What was your favorite elective class in high school?: band stuff
Did you ever wish you could be homeschooled?: for part of my education. but i think that wouldn't have worked for me in terms of developing social skill
When was the last time you: ?
Was it hard for you to get up this morning?: nah. when i have the day off i get up ridiculously early and excited. it's when i have to work that i can't drag myself out of bed
Have you ever had a dream so realistic you could've sworn it happened?: yes
When was the last time you colored with crayons or colored pencils?: not long ago
Can you remember the first survey you filled out?: nah
Do you have any mental disorders?: depends who you ask
Do you feel comfortable talking about these disorders, if you have them?: labels are ridiculous and no one's business and when people talk about them they're using it as some sort of bizarre source of pride or excuse or god knows what
Where did you go on your last field trip?: beats me
What do you do when someone pushes their views on you?: shut down
Are you able to agree to disagree? Or do you have to have the last word?: i shut down
Do you think you make a good first impression?: probably not
Do other people's first impressions stick with you?: no
Are you friends who you thought they were when you first met?: what friends?
How have you changed in the past year?: not much
How about in the past five years?: not sure anyone else would notice
What do you do when you feel like giving up on something?: your mom
Have you ever had to give up on someone?: your mom
Would you rather break up with someone, or them break up with you?: i like breaking shit
Is there a cover song you like better than the original version?: probably
Do you think it's okay to like a cover more than an original?: yes
What band do you wish was still making music?: sharron lois and brahm
Do you still watch any cartoons?: of course
Are you just too lazy to recycle?: noo
Think of the last person you talked to--do you love him/her?: indeedy
Do you fit your zodiac sign?: i dunno
What is one of your weak points?: left tricep
What is one of your strong points?: right thigh
Are you calm in emergency situations?: on the outside
When was the last time you cursed at someone?: dunno
Are you afraid of losing someone you love?: of course
Who are you most attached to?: your mom
What do you depend on other people for?: depends
Are you good at reading other people's body language?: not sure
Do you like facial hair? How about chest hair?: facial hair gets scrootchy. no opinion on chest hair. instictively i prefer without, but i don't really know why
If you have a favorite number, how did you choose it?: 73. i just like it. i like prime numbers
What goes through your mind when someone breaks up with you?: haven't really done a "break up" always been mutual
What goes through your mind when someone asks you out?: ?
Do you match your shoes with your outfit?: hahahahahaha
Do you style your hair daily?: HAHAHAAH
Who was the last person to compliment your appearance? What'd they say?: chris and andy liked my new haircut
Do movies with: ?
Is there any movie you just can't stand to watch?: i don't like violence
What do you think of pornography?: not usually a HUGE fan of watching it. but occasionally. i have no issues with it unless it interferes with someone's real relationships.
What hair products do you use regularly?: shampoo
Does it bother you when people use extremely bad grammar?: yes
Do you have a hard time talking about sex with the opposite gender?: not at all
Do you feel more comfortable with a male or female doctor/nurse?: doesn't matter
Have you ever had major surgery?: nope
Could you go a month without speaking?: yes
What goes through your mind when you see someone very obese?: really REALLY obese i wonder how they do day to day things. like pee. or what they're underwear looks like.
How about when you see someone very thin?: i don't usually notice.
Is there any food you don't like that a lot of others do?: sushi and tomatoes and cucumbers
Have you ever followed a trend? If so, what was it?: yo-yos. in 5th grade
Have you ever started a trend, even a small one?: there was this girl...she wanted to be me...and grady...but that was just creepy
What was the last thing you bragged about?: sadly it my have been being a good shot at hitting veins for drawing blood. i'm AWESOME
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