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Picspam: Alan Smith
Apr 23, 2007 23:24
Warning: shirtless and bloody pictures
Look at that old school hair XD
Always loved.
Then he went blond with a bang! And thus began the rise of sluty, sexy Smudge
He's an angel.
A blessing sent to show the world...
That angels can be devils disguise.
It's not a game unless he gets a yellow,
And fights it because he doesn't deserve it.
His serious faces are love
Sex hair is a must
Other people love his faces too.
No, it's not a vampire it's Smudge.
Happy faces are sometime scary faces.
The most wonderful serious face of all time!
Alan Smith for England!
There is much love when Smudge is there
Um sometimes too much love?
His smile is sometimes rare.
Isn't that just gah!
His smile likes to hide...
But it'll eventually come out
Even when things get bad
Gotta love his smile.
Bracelets ♥
Puppy face
Nothing better than a well dressed man
I must say that booger boy wins at life kthanx.
player: alan smith
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