Went to the midnight release of the last Harry Potter book and was number 20 in line! =]
Got home and started reading it and the last time I looked at my cell phone was 3:00am.
Fell asleep and woke up at 11:00am and was like. "SHIIIIIIIIIIIIT" so I started reading again. I on;y stopped to get something to eat/drink, or go in the bathroom to shower and stuff.
Finished it JUST before midnight on Saturday, which means it took me less than a day to read 772 pages. i really have no life =]
I won't tell the ending, because it would take too long to explain and stuff, but there was DEFINiTELY more than two main characters dying. I couldn't beleive it. She had killed off two by the time I was on page 80. Oh well =[
My mom picked it up after I got done and read the last two chapters and SOMEHOW understood everything perfectly. The last two books's events were explained in those two chapters!
oh well. Now my dad can read it.