Mar 15, 2009 20:21
I cant remember the last time i posted anything, and i was bored so here goes..
School has been pretty boring..its like i just waste everyday to go through the same cycle. and repeat for 5 days. I wish school were funner, like when everyday felt day like a fashion show for me to dress up, or to impress someone. LOL~ ahh i miss junior year, i really do. On other hand, being a senior has granted me more freedom in school , and defintiely an easier schedule. Im glad i dont start till 3rd period, im glad my first class isnt gym, im glad im passing, im content with the people i have class with it, and im glad that we only have about 60 more days till we graduate :) All in all i guess the positives out weigh the negatives, but it will be a greuling journey.
I look forward to every weekend so that i can play 360 or sleep in till 4pm, but this weekend, i havent played a single drop of halo or left4dead. My weekend has been filled with sleeping, pigging out, and 24. Yes, 24. Its the old season 5, but somehow very imtriguing. I used to think 24 was overrated, boring, and unrealistic. Think about it, Jack Bauer goes 24 hours not having eaten , slept, or even used the bathroom! WTF? Anyways hes cool though, and i like the cleverness of the storyline. Even Alyssa and mom have been all into it with me. After we finish this series, i wil start watching I Am Sam! my dad made copies of the entire series on dvd for me, but i havent had the time to watch it. I really just need one day to sit with it, with a quart of ice cream and drool over my lil package of hotness named TOP. I look forward to watching it :)
Secondly, im looking forward tuesday. And within a few weeks it will be MLG! Im totally torn about what to wear there and stuff @_@ I definitely know theres gonna be some serious HOTTIES there ;). I think i gotta go shopping soon :)
Candice will be coming back tomorrow, so i will see her sometime this week. Im excited to see the makeup and falsies she got me in HK. Since i asked her to pick them up, ive been anticipating them~~
im currently caught up in watching 24, so ill update more later on.