Well the watermain outside my place burst a few days ago. My front lawn ended up looking like a lake. Thankfully it was the council's problem not mine. But the water fountain that came up when they started digging was impressive. I did feel sorry for them. It was 5.30 at night. Nearly dark , very cold and raining. So they had to make an emergency repair and come back the next day to fix it.
Good thing is that living on the base of an extinct volcano it drained away fairly quickly. With all the rain, thankfully it wasn't really boggy for too long. But still the birds were happily playing in the water the next day.
Exams time at the moment. One down and one to go. Tonight's one maybe or maybe not. Depends on if I managed to write all the right bull$hit. Cause I sure was writing a lot of it.
OK so a question. How do you study? Any special things you do or what don't you do? I can't study the day of an exam. I try and make study notes out of class notes and textbooks and study those. Any maths is written out step by step. Just before I go in the classroom I have a quick look at the notes to remind me and then throw my hand written study notes away.
A big thanks to
rocalisa for distracting me today. With Marcus type distractions and things to watch. I would have been a bundle of nerves otherwise. 5.30 pm exams to too late.
Coffee fix is slowly starting to wear off. I won't scare you with any more coffee and exam induced ravings