bwahahahahaaaa...... Just wanted to say, I think Gaga's hilarious. If anyone reading this doesn't love LG, get out. Just get out. xD
So, I clicked on the video for Alejandro and was watching it, when I noticed something funny....
So here the weird guys are looking intense and feeling Gaga up. Whoo! There goes the robe!
^^^^ LOLzzzz.......Can you see that guy's face?? He's like :O, boobs! ^^^^^^ he's like :D, BOOBS!
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Uh oh...see his hand...tsk tsk. Hands off, friar. I love how his face is the only excited one. Pervvvvv lolllllllllll
Oh, and by the way, I've been watching the Munsters, and this was too hilarious not to post somewhere:
If you can't tell, it's a man dressed as a woman. IMO, he wasn't that bad looking of a chick ;D
Lady Gaga wants to know if she can fix ya something?? ;D D: