Comment to this post and receive 4 options (actors/singers/so on, so forth). You must then decide which of the 4 options you would: Shag, Snog, Marry and Throw off a cliff.
bloodnfire gave me: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Dean Forrester, Castiel.
Shag: Sam Winchester. Because he would be all muscles and biting and I would feel all super tiny when he picked me up and....mmmmmmmm *happy daydreams*
Snog: Dean Winchester. Because I imagine he'd be rather good at it, and I'd already get to snog Sam whilst I was shagging him.
Marry: Dean Forrester. Because while it would be tempting to marry Sam, it wouldn't exactly be a settled home life what with hunting trips and all. And this way I'd get to shag and snog him, and I am very good at cooking roast beef. Plus all those hunky construction guy fantasies could be played know, when you want a shelf fixed/something heavy lifted/the gutters cleaned *snort* and it actually gets done...
Throw off a cliff: Sorry Castiel, but I saw what happened with that stripper. Do you even have a penis? And even if it could happen without burning my eyes out, there would be something very disconcerting about those unblinking eyes during shagging or snogging. And I'm going to assume angels don't get married, but if they did you would probably insist on wearing your trenchcoat, and that would be wrong.