May 09, 2004 08:02
Full Name: Brianna Lynee Gennetti
Brother(s): 7
Sister(s): 1
Age(s) 21
Town you live in: Maynard
Town you wish you lived in: tewksbury
What are you wearing right now: PJ bottoms with hearts on them and a old t-shirt-how sexy!
Best Friend: hmmm....
First Best friend: April
Is he/she still your best friend: no
First kiss: dont wanna kno
First person you really liked: Sean
First person you liked that you would of done anything for: Sean
Person you most argue with online: haha sean
Person you most talk to online: James
Person you wish you could spend more time with: there are more then one..
Person you like: Jay!! <3
BF: Jay.
GF: ~
Person that makes you laugh: Pat-his laugh is way to great
Person you would do anything for: there is agian-more then one..
Favorite animal: I am like Jim Carey in Ace Ventura I love all animals..
Person(s) you havn't seen in a long time: Steve,Kyle,Jermey,Carley,Julie.
Do you wish to see him/her/them: Yeah I miss them so much.
Favorite Drink:Iced Cappiccino
Thing you are most looking forward to: School to be over!
Why: I hate it.
Favorite season: Summer
Obsession: Shoppingg
Favorite song: Hahaha Hey Gurl b/c it Jay and I's song-AWW
Do you like someone right now: hm,what a question to answer
Last thing you bought: momms day prez
Do you like shopping for other people: yes
Whats the last think you drank: Kiwi and Strawbeeyy stuff i was kinda good yet lil quenching was done.
What mood are you in right now: PMSish but I am happy as a clam
If You could be anything who or what would you be: FRIGGIN THE ONLY CHRISTINA AG.