AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.I hate people.I hate everything going on in life rit now.I dont have any people to talk too,everyone hasd turned there backs on me,because i push away from them.The only person that has been there for me is Jay. I found out the worse news today and with in maybe 15 mins he was at my house.My brother Johnny has cancer. The doctors think that he has for 10 years. I accually cried for a bit afterwards,with news like that i usually dnot know how to respond,and all i can feel is a bee's sting to the heart. All I can think of is when I was little,him and my brother joey use to play pretty pretty princess with me.Just to make me happy.and I didnt like anyopne else to hold me but them.I love him and the thought of anyone I care about being in pain,destroys me.I just cant handle this anymore.... I am also not talking to my bestfriend either.For the past couple of monthes she and I have been weird and now today.I am like sooooooo mad at the world.I just do think I can handle n e more.